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  1. Bug #14732 (details)
Commit cc51fb416ac3e4249204a7db899cbd7ab2dfb51b by Miguel Moquillon
Bug #14732

The regression was introduced with the fix of the bug #14661.
Ensure now the access to a given publication is done correctly by
clicking on its name wrapped by a span tag with at least the class
'pub-link' (a shortcut/alias cannot be d&d like a normal publication).

In the seeAlso.tag, encode for HTML both the description and the title
of a referenced publication.
The file was modifiedkmelia/kmelia-war/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/components/kmelia/servlets/renderers/ (diff)
The file was modifiedkmelia/kmelia-war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags/silverpeas/kmelia/seeAlso.tag (diff)