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  1. Fixed Bug #14538 (details)
  2. bug #14595: In case of the validation of a reservation, we now check if the current user is still in the role "Responsibles". (details)
  3. Bug #14595: In case of the validation of a reservation, we now check if the current user is still in the role "Responsibles". (details)
Commit 8a19024967bd94a48644420d0b47c92af4001069 by Miguel Moquillon
Fixed Bug #14538
The width was defined directly  in the colde
(report by hand of the fix from master)
The file was modifieddelegatednews/delegatednews-war/src/main/webapp/delegatednews/jsp/listNews.jsp (diff)
Commit 57d097ac6fd9d1d180232825e181908a888dee72 by Miguel Moquillon
bug #14595: In case of the validation of a reservation, we now check if the current user is still in the role "Responsibles".
The file was modifiedresourcesManager/resourcesManager-war/src/main/webapp/resourcesManager/jsp/viewReservation.jsp (diff)
The file was modifiedresourcesManager/resourcesManager-war/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/components/resourcesmanager/control/ (diff)
Commit 34b7368baada7e7b35a85a0995f1c14a36b3fa8f by Miguel Moquillon
Bug #14595: In case of the validation of a reservation, we now check if the current user is still in the role "Responsibles".
The file was modifiedresourcesManager/resourcesManager-library/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/components/resourcesmanager/service/ (diff)
The file was modifiedresourcesManager/resourcesManager-library/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/components/resourcesmanager/service/ (diff)
The file was modifiedresourcesManager/resourcesManager-war/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/components/resourcesmanager/control/ (diff)