Update the build of the Docker image for a build environment for Silverpeas projects. First, a new build argument is passed: the version of Java to use for running a Sonar analysis. Second, in order to build a fix version of an existing Docker image stable version, we reorder the pipeline stages so that the release of a stable version is done after its build.
Update the pipeline for building a build version of Silverpeas: Sonar is now executed by using at least Java 17. This version of Java is provided by the Docker image through the env var SONAR_JDK_HOME.
Update the pipeline of building a build version of Silverpeas. In order to avoid unnecessary build when no changes have been done from the last build, a check of changes is now done. If no changes have been done in any project, then the pipeline isn't executed. Otherwise, for each project, no tests and no quality analysis are performed in the case the code didn't change since the last build.
When releasing a new version of Silverpeas, its dependency on Jackrabbit is usually checked. Nowadays from Silverpeas 6.4, Jackrabbit isn't anymore a dependency (JCR is now provided by Apache Oak). So, the dependency should be checked only if such dependency exists.
In the replacement of Jackrabit by Oak, the access to the JCR repository is now done by a lib instead of a JCA. So dependencies requires to be managed differently.