Step | Arguments | | | Status |
Start of Pipeline - (6 mn 54 s in block) | | | | |
node - (6 mn 53 s in block) | | | | |
node block - (6 mn 53 s in block) | | | | |
stage - (1,1 s in block) | Declarative: Checkout SCM | | | |
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (1,1 s in block) | | | | |
checkout - (1,1 s in self) | | | | |
withEnv block - (6 mn 52 s in block) | | | | |
isUnix - (2 ms in self) | | | | |
withEnv - (0,28 s in block) | JD_ID, JD_TO_RUN | | | |
withEnv block - (0,26 s in block) | | | | |
sh - (0,25 s in self) | docker inspect -f . "$JD_TO_RUN" | | | |
withDockerContainer - (6 mn 52 s in block) | | | | |
withDockerContainer block - (6 mn 49 s in block) | | | | |
withEnv - (6 mn 49 s in block) | buildVersion, silverpeas, fileRepo, wildfly, dbConf, gitRepo, silverpeasBuildJobName, mavenRepo | | | |
withEnv block - (6 mn 49 s in block) | | | | |
stage - (4,7 s in block) | Fetch the last build version of Silverpeas | | | |
stage block (Fetch the last build version of Silverpeas) - (4,7 s in block) | | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | rm -rf * ~/.gradle | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | mkdir logs/ | | | |
copyArtifacts - (16 ms in self) | | | | |
script - (3,8 s in block) | | | | |
script block - (3,8 s in block) | | | | |
readYaml - (19 ms in self) | build.yaml | | | |
sh - (3,4 s in self) | curl -fsSL -o pom.xml | | | |
readMavenPom - (61 ms in self) | | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | rm -f pom.xml | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | rm -f build.yaml | | | |
stage - (6 s in block) | Set up the test environment | | | |
stage block (Set up the test environment) - (6 s in block) | | | | |
git - (0,66 s in self) | | | | |
script - (36 ms in block) | | | | |
script block - (9 ms in block) | | | | |
readYaml - (4 ms in self) | conf/database.yaml | | | |
sh - (5,2 s in self) |
curl -fsSL -o
mv silverpeas-6.5-build250115-wildfly26 silverpeas
curl -fsSL -o
mv wildfly-26.1.3.Final wildfly
cp conf/*.xml silverpeas/configuration/silverpeas/
cp lib/ojdbc7.jar silverpeas/bin/lib/
| | | |
stage - (3 mn 10 s in block) | Test installation against PostgreSQL | | | |
stage block (Test installation against PostgreSQL) - (3 mn 10 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials - (3 mn 10 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials block - (3 mn 10 s in block) | | | | |
script - (3 mn 10 s in block) | | | | |
script block - (3 mn 10 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials - (0,58 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials block - (0,52 s in block) | | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) |
rm -f ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_NAME=silvertest" > ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_SERVERTYPE=POSTGRESQL" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_SERVER=int0.${DB_PSW}.org" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_PORT_POSTGRESQL=5433" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
| | | |
sh - (0,25 s in self) |
echo "DB_USER=$DB_USR" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PSW" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
| | | |
sh - (1,8 s in self) | /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test/scripts/ '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test' -a CREATE -t POSTGRESQL -n silvertest -d org.${AUTH_USR}ql.Driver -u jdbc:${AUTH_USR}ql:// -U \${AUTH_USR} -P \${AUTH_PSW} | | | |
sh - (3 mn 5 s in self) |
SILVERPEAS_HOME="`pwd`/silverpeas" JBOSS_HOME="`pwd`/wildfly" silverpeas/bin/silverpeas clean install
| | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | ls silverpeas/log | grep 'build-[0-9]\+_[0-9]\+.log' | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | mv silverpeas/log/build-20250119_042044.log logs/build-${AUTH_USR}ql.log | | | |
sh - (1,8 s in self) | /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test/scripts/ '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test' -a DELETE -t POSTGRESQL -n silvertest -d org.${AUTH_USR}ql.Driver -u jdbc:${AUTH_USR}ql:// -U \${AUTH_USR} -P \${AUTH_PSW} | | | |
stage - (2 mn 6 s in block) | Test installation against MS-SQLServer | | | |
stage block (Test installation against MS-SQLServer) - (2 mn 6 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials - (2 mn 6 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials block - (2 mn 6 s in block) | | | | |
script - (2 mn 6 s in block) | | | | |
script block - (2 mn 6 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials - (0,57 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials block - (0,53 s in block) | | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) |
rm -f ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_NAME=silvertest" > ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_SERVERTYPE=MSSQL" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_SERVER=int1.${DB_PSW}.org" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_PORT_MSSQL=1433" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
| | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) |
echo "DB_USER=$DB_USR" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PSW" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
| | | |
sh - (2,9 s in self) | /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test/scripts/ '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test' -a CREATE -t MSSQL -n silvertest -d net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver -u jdbc:jtds:sqlserver:// -U \${AUTH_USR} -P \${AUTH_PSW} | | | |
sh - (2 mn 0 s in self) |
SILVERPEAS_HOME="`pwd`/silverpeas" JBOSS_HOME="`pwd`/wildfly" silverpeas/bin/silverpeas clean install
| | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | ls silverpeas/log | grep 'build-[0-9]\+_[0-9]\+.log' | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | mv silverpeas/log/build-20250119_042334.log logs/build-mssql.log | | | |
sh - (1,8 s in self) | /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test/scripts/ '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test' -a DELETE -t MSSQL -n silvertest -d net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver -u jdbc:jtds:sqlserver:// -U \${AUTH_USR} -P \${AUTH_PSW} | | | |
stage - (1 mn 21 s in block) | Test installation against Oracle | | | |
stage block (Test installation against Oracle) - (1 mn 21 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials - (1 mn 21 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials block - (1 mn 21 s in block) | | | | |
script - (1 mn 21 s in block) | | | | |
script block - (1 mn 21 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials - (0,57 s in block) | | | | |
withCredentials block - (0,53 s in block) | | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) |
rm -f ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_NAME=SILVERTEST" > ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_SERVERTYPE=ORACLE" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_SERVER=int3.${DB_PSW}.org" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_PORT_ORACLE=1521" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
| | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) |
echo "DB_USER=$DB_USR" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
echo "DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PSW" >> ${DB_PSW}/configuration/
| | | |
sh - (1 s in self) | /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test/scripts/ '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test' -a CREATE -t ORACLE -n SILVERTEST -d oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver -u jdbc:oracle:thin:@int3.${AUTH_USR}.org:1521 -U \${AUTH_USR} -P \${AUTH_USR} | | | |
sh - (1 mn 17 s in self) |
SILVERPEAS_HOME="`pwd`/${AUTH_USR}" JBOSS_HOME="`pwd`/wildfly" ${AUTH_USR}/bin/${AUTH_USR} clean install
| | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | ls ${AUTH_USR}/log | grep 'build-[0-9]\+_[0-9]\+.log' | | | |
sh - (0,26 s in self) | mv ${AUTH_USR}/log/build-20250119_042539.log logs/build-oracle.log | | | |
sh - (1,8 s in self) | /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test/scripts/ '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Installation_Test' -a DELETE -t ORACLE -n SILVERTEST -d oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver -u jdbc:oracle:thin:@int3.${AUTH_USR}.org:1521 -U \${AUTH_USR} -P \${AUTH_USR} | | | |
stage - (68 ms in block) | Test installation against H2 | | | |
stage block (Test installation against H2) - (40 ms in block) | | | | |
getContext - (8 ms in self) | | | | |
stage - (0,38 s in block) | Declarative: Post Actions | | | |
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (0,37 s in block) | | | | |
script - (46 ms in block) | | | | |
script block - (22 ms in block) | | | | |
archiveArtifacts - (74 ms in self) | | | | |
step - (0,23 s in self) | | | | |