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14:20:29 [2024-12-12T13:20:29.688Z] + git commit -am Upgrade for Silverpeas 6.4.2
14:20:29 [2024-12-12T13:20:29.688Z] [6.4.x 6cc4a78] Upgrade for Silverpeas 6.4.2
14:20:29 [2024-12-12T13:20:29.688Z]  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
14:20:29 [2024-12-12T13:20:29.688Z] + git push origin HEAD:6.4.x
14:20:30 [2024-12-12T13:20:30.600Z] remote: 
14:20:30 [2024-12-12T13:20:30.600Z] remote: GitHub found 3 vulnerabilities on Silverpeas/docker-silverpeas-test's default branch (3 moderate). To find out more, visit:        
14:20:30 [2024-12-12T13:20:30.601Z] remote:        
14:20:30 [2024-12-12T13:20:30.601Z] remote: 
14:20:30 [2024-12-12T13:20:30.601Z] To
14:20:30 [2024-12-12T13:20:30.601Z]    6ff2660..6cc4a78  HEAD -> 6.4.x
14:20:30 [2024-12-12T13:20:30.601Z] + git push --tags
14:20:30 [2024-12-12T13:20:30.851Z] Everything up-to-date