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17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.335Z] + sed -i -e s/WILDFLY_VERSION=[0-9.]\+/WILDFLY_VERSION=26.1.1/g Dockerfile
17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.335Z] + sed -i -e s/JAVA_VERSION=[0-9]\+/JAVA_VERSION=11/g Dockerfile
17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.335Z] + sed -i -e s/SONAR_JAVA_VERSION=[0-9]\+/SONAR_JAVA_VERSION=17/g Dockerfile
17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.335Z] + sed -i -e s/version=.\+/version=6.3.1/g Dockerfile
17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.335Z] + sed -i -e s/build=.\+/build=1/g Dockerfile
17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.335Z] + git commit -am Update Dockerfile for building and registering image 6.3.1
17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.335Z] [master a02de47] Update Dockerfile for building and registering image 6.3.1
17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.336Z]  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
17:00:43 [2024-02-06T16:00:43.336Z] + git push origin HEAD:master
17:00:44 [2024-02-06T16:00:44.247Z] To
17:00:44 [2024-02-06T16:00:44.247Z]    9bb8276..a02de47  HEAD -> master
17:00:44 [2024-02-06T16:00:44.247Z] + git tag 6.3.1
17:00:44 [2024-02-06T16:00:44.247Z] + git push origin --tags
17:00:45 [2024-02-06T16:00:45.159Z] To
17:00:45 [2024-02-06T16:00:45.159Z]  * [new tag]         6.3.1 -> 6.3.1