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  1. For 6.4 with Jackrabbit 2, the docker image to use is now 6.4-JR instead (details)
Commit 2e4857b998ece8f207b9a84e10009a400a544e3e by Miguel Moquillon
For 6.4 with Jackrabbit 2, the docker image to use is now 6.4-JR instead
of latest. Latest will be for 6.4 with Jackrabbit Oak (the default 6.4)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/mobile/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. Update the build version of Silverpeas to 6.4-build230507 (details)
  2. Update information about the next version of Silverpeas, 6.4, will use the Apache Jackrabbit Oak implementation of the JCR (details)
Commit e5a136c47e0ed43f530b04968dbbc6e004510df4 by devteam
Update the build version of Silverpeas to 6.4-build230507
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
Commit 28ad23659a8426b9c11c8d84271f72c8c29d64bf by Miguel Moquillon
Update information about the next version of Silverpeas, 6.4, will use the Apache Jackrabbit Oak implementation of the JCR
The file was addedsrc/site/resources/images/stable_version_icon_32px.png
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/installation/installationV6.xml.vm (diff)