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  1. Four main changes: (details)
Commit 78e40b6b1a68ab23a68fdb06d90eddf4ab5239af by Miguel Moquillon
Four main changes:
- Add a Jenkinsfile to define the pipeline of publishing the community
web site.
- Update the pipeline for releasing a build version of Silverpeas to the
declarative syntax.
- Update the pipeline for releasing a build version of the SSO library
for Silverpeas
- Improve the pipeline for releasing a build version of Silverpeas
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was addedsrc/builds/project-doc/Jenkinsfile
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/project/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/mobile/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/sso/Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. Update parent POM to version 1.5-build220117 (details)
Commit 1514a5337755aa0c4cd9de5a3ca26cc5e04eaf6b by devteam
Update parent POM to version 1.5-build220117
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)