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  1. Update the build of the Docker image for a build environment for (details)
  2. The Docker image version for Silverpeas 6.3.x is now 6.3.3 (details)
Commit 5e31393990e826fcfee35128e9255dfd9f016c63 by Miguel Moquillon
Update the build of the Docker image for a build environment for
Silverpeas projects. First, a new build argument is passed: the version
of Java to use for running a Sonar analysis. Second, in order to build
a fix version of an existing Docker image stable version, we reorder the
pipeline stages so that the release of a stable version is done after
its build.

Update the pipeline for building a build version of Silverpeas: Sonar is
now executed by using at least Java 17. This version of Java is provided
by the Docker image through the env var SONAR_JDK_HOME.
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/mobile/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/wbe/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-build/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 04ff93a5980a2ba4cc6c70759bb8662c2ee34fb8 by Miguel Moquillon
The Docker image version for Silverpeas 6.3.x is now 6.3.3
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/wbe/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/mobile/Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. Update the build version of Silverpeas to 6.4-build240128 (details)
Commit 139a2676b74920a5e9fb7f3ae28c4762f164c537 by devteam
Update the build version of Silverpeas to 6.4-build240128
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)