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  1. For the generation of an izpack distribution of Silverpeas, remove the computation of the next version (details)
  2. Update the mapping between Silverpeas branches and Docker image version to build it (details)
  3. During the generation of the web site of the Silverpeas community, when (details)
Commit 832143b593f5555c7dcd4ea80cfc5ecc78bb0ac1 by Miguel Moquillon
For the generation of an izpack distribution of Silverpeas, remove the computation of the next version
Fix syntax in the Jenkinsfile to generate a docker image for jobs in
Jenkins and for dev.
Fix bug syntax in the Jenkinsfile to generate a Docker image of
Silverpeas and to open a PR in the DockerHub github to integrate this
image in the Docker official repositories.
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-build/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/izpack/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-dev/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-prod/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit a100ac5c067d40e45edb8da20c772fdf62c53e43 by Miguel Moquillon
Update the mapping between Silverpeas branches and Docker image version to build it
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit cc5e1120737f51ec8d91c4fd3c43a52a99ffc6c9 by Miguel Moquillon
During the generation of the web site of the Silverpeas community, when
getting the Wildfly version from the release report of a stable version
of Silverpeas, remove the '.Final' word from it.
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/project-doc/Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. Update the build version of Silverpeas to 6.4-build221012 (details)
  2. Fix the current wildfly version property. Update the installation guide of Silverpeas 6 (details)
  3. Update the copyrights in the files with the URL schema modified to https (details)
  4. Update the version of Wildfly for both stable and in-dev version (details)
Commit 1401e40a98ccd21d666a84f3ecfa1cf56c6e874a by devteam
Update the build version of Silverpeas to 6.4-build221012
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
Commit 2911d56373749f98988228d3e69696e4e92d5a45 by Miguel Moquillon
Fix the current wildfly version property. Update the installation guide of Silverpeas 6
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/installation/installationV6.xml.vm (diff)
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
Commit 88fd5bfad482f160c3fcd0a68c83a5ddffc8c2ea by Miguel Moquillon
Update the copyrights in the files with the URL schema modified to https
The file was modifiedsrc/site/resources/css/tn3/tn3.css (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/resources/xsd/component.xsd (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/installation/webdav.xml.vm (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/legal/trademark.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/resources/css/style.css (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/fml/faq.fml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/content_management.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/data_collection.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/releasenotes.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/site.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/legal/licensing_gnu_affero.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/resources/xsd/migration.xsd (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/resources/xsd/processModel.xsd (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/resources/css/site.css (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/dev/ldap_testing.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/installation/installationV6.xml.vm (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/social_network.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/resources/legal/Silverpeas-license.txt (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/configuration/ldap.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/installation/izpack.xml.vm (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/applications.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/support.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/knowledge_management.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/installation/index.xml.vm (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/legal/floss_exception.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/fml/legal/licensing_faq.fml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/dev/collaboration.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/documentation_management.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/intro.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/project_documentation.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/installation/cloud.xml.vm (diff)
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/resources/legal/agpl-3.0-standalone.html (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/features.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/product/gallery.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/configuration/proxy.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/site/xdoc/dev/quality.xml (diff)
Commit 81e0d66d4bba5e61b3aa4f08c90d887fdc5dd634 by Miguel Moquillon
Update the version of Wildfly for both stable and in-dev version
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)