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  1. bug #14660: Display empty string instead of null in the notification subject (details)
  2. Bug #14481 (details)
  3. bug #14210: Now, the timeout actions of removed Workflow app are now executed (details)
  4. bug #14210: Now, the timeout actions of removed Workflow app are now ignored (details)
  5. The localization of the data in bundles of both personal components and (details)
Commit 61c9d669b5a32a1fde2acfd8bb1fcfc74af8921a by Miguel Moquillon
bug #14660: Display empty string instead of null in the notification subject
The file was modifiedcore-war/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/web/notificationuser/servlets/ (diff)
Commit ffed0e6234803d01fd62d1c9c2c0dadbdd661371 by Miguel Moquillon
Bug #14481

Add the onUnload javascript event to the BodyPart tag.
The file was modifiedcore-web/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/core/web/util/viewgenerator/html/layout/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcore-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/viewGenerator.tld (diff)
Commit 6ded956f01feffefe6659649ce7fb12054d54626 by Miguel Moquillon
bug #14210: Now, the timeout actions of removed Workflow app are now executed
The file was modifiedcore-services/workflow/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/core/workflow/engine/timeout/ (diff)
Commit 5952e6c2fdebfe2078d459d17318f3429fde0e17 by Miguel Moquillon
bug #14210: Now, the timeout actions of removed Workflow app are now ignored
The file was modifiedcore-services/workflow/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/core/workflow/engine/timeout/ (diff)
Commit 14d0e643429257acd2027e773fbf4eefe5580799 by Miguel Moquillon
The localization of the data in bundles of both personal components and
workflow components is now taken in charge. The bundle resources for
those components have to be located, respectively, into the
$SILVERPEAS_HOME/properties/xmlcomponents/personals and
$SILVERPEAS_HOME/properties/xmlcomponents/workflows directories (where
$SILVERPEAS_HOME is the home directory of the Silvepreas installation).
The file was modifiedcore-library/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/core/admin/component/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcore-library/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/core/admin/component/model/ (diff)


  1. Bug #14481 (details)
  2. bug #14675: The news is now saved even if one of its date (beginDate or endDate) is not specified (details)
  3. bug #14614: Export CSV is now only for the role supervisor. Also, some labels have been modified. (details)
Commit d7ad9ed40c165b522376c1f7d6e62cc0d4e200c2 by Miguel Moquillon
Bug #14481

Fix the bug by adding the missing Javascript function topicGoTo(String)
Refactor the modelUsedList.jsp to replace Java code by JSTL tags.
The file was modifiedkmelia/kmelia-war/src/main/webapp/kmelia/jsp/modelUsedList.jsp (diff)
Commit c0ff16554b94adef0665c000d8d6ec27fda11bc4 by Miguel Moquillon
bug #14675: The news is now saved even if one of its date (beginDate or endDate) is not specified
The file was modifieddelegatednews/delegatednews-war/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/components/delegatednews/servlets/ (diff)
The file was modifieddelegatednews/delegatednews-war/src/main/java/org/silverpeas/components/delegatednews/control/ (diff)
Commit f159db275eeec7415ec6d77c5ee589bc11c15194 by Miguel Moquillon
bug #14614: Export CSV is now only for the role supervisor. Also, some labels have been modified.
The file was modifiedprocessManager/processManager-configuration/src/main/config/properties/org/silverpeas/processManager/multilang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprocessManager/processManager-configuration/src/main/config/properties/org/silverpeas/processManager/multilang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprocessManager/processManager-war/src/main/webapp/processManager/jsp/listProcess.jsp (diff)
The file was modifiedprocessManager/processManager-configuration/src/main/config/properties/org/silverpeas/processManager/multilang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprocessManager/processManager-configuration/src/main/config/properties/org/silverpeas/processManager/multilang/ (diff)