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Console Output

13:25:36 [2025-02-03T12:25:36.479Z] + JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64 mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectKey=Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Looks -Dsonar.organization=silverpeas -Dsonar.token=******
13:25:37 [2025-02-03T12:25:37.822Z] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.072Z] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.072Z] [INFO] Reactor Build Order:
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.072Z] [INFO] 
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.073Z] [INFO] Silverpeas Looks                                                   [pom]
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.073Z] [INFO] Silverpeas Aurora Look                                             [pom]
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.073Z] [INFO] Look Aurora Configuration                                          [jar]
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.073Z] [INFO] Look Aurora Web Application                                        [war]
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.623Z] [WARNING] The artifact org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:jar: has been relocated to org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:jar: SonarQube plugin was moved to SonarSource organisation
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.623Z] [INFO] 
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.623Z] [INFO] ------------------------< org.silverpeas:looks >------------------------
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.623Z] [INFO] Building Silverpeas Looks 6.5-build250203                          [1/4]
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.623Z] [INFO]   from pom.xml
13:25:38 [2025-02-03T12:25:38.623Z] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
13:25:39 [2025-02-03T12:25:39.966Z] [INFO] 
13:25:39 [2025-02-03T12:25:39.966Z] [INFO] --- sonar: (default-cli) @ looks ---
13:25:39 [2025-02-03T12:25:39.966Z] [WARNING] 13:25:39.719 Using an unspecified version instead of an explicit plugin version may introduce breaking analysis changes at an unwanted time. It is highly recommended to use an explicit version, e.g. 'org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:'.
13:25:39 [2025-02-03T12:25:39.966Z] [INFO] 13:25:39.735 Java 17.0.11 Ubuntu (64-bit)
13:25:39 [2025-02-03T12:25:39.966Z] [INFO] 13:25:39.735 Linux 6.8.0-52-generic (amd64)
13:25:39 [2025-02-03T12:25:39.966Z] [INFO] 13:25:39.878 User cache: /home/silverbuild/.sonar/cache
13:25:40 [2025-02-03T12:25:40.517Z] [INFO] 13:25:40.299 Communicating with SonarCloud
13:25:40 [2025-02-03T12:25:40.517Z] [INFO] 13:25:40.350 Default locale: "fr_FR", source code encoding: "UTF-8"
13:25:41 [2025-02-03T12:25:41.428Z] [INFO] 13:25:41.077 Load global settings
13:25:41 [2025-02-03T12:25:41.429Z] [INFO] 13:25:41.329 Load global settings (done) | time=255ms
13:25:41 [2025-02-03T12:25:41.429Z] [INFO] 13:25:41.334 Server id: 1BD809FA-AWHW8ct9-T_TB3XqouNu
13:25:41 [2025-02-03T12:25:41.679Z] [INFO] 13:25:41.548 Loading required plugins
13:25:41 [2025-02-03T12:25:41.679Z] [INFO] 13:25:41.548 Load plugins index
13:25:41 [2025-02-03T12:25:41.679Z] [INFO] 13:25:41.637 Load plugins index (done) | time=89ms
13:25:41 [2025-02-03T12:25:41.679Z] [INFO] 13:25:41.637 Load/download plugins
13:25:41 [2025-02-03T12:25:41.929Z] [INFO] 13:25:41.698 Load/download plugins (done) | time=60ms
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.180Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.056 Found an active CI vendor: 'Jenkins'
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.180Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.062 Load project settings for component key: 'Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Looks'
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.180Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.171 Load project settings for component key: 'Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Looks' (done) | time=109ms
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.180Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.175 Process project properties
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.431Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.191 Project key: Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Looks
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.431Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.191 Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.431Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.191 Working dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/sonar
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.431Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.199 Load project branches
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.431Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.427 Load project branches (done) | time=228ms
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.681Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.434 Check ALM binding of project 'Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Looks'
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.681Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.477 Detected project binding: BOUND
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.681Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.478 Check ALM binding of project 'Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Looks' (done) | time=44ms
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.681Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.481 Load project pull requests
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.681Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.622 Load project pull requests (done) | time=141ms
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.681Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.628 Load branch configuration
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.681Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.632 Load branch configuration (done) | time=3ms
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.681Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.650 Load quality profiles
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.932Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.850 Load quality profiles (done) | time=200ms
13:25:42 [2025-02-03T12:25:42.932Z] [INFO] 13:25:42.863 Load active rules
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.139 Load active rules (done) | time=4276ms
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.231 Organization key: silverpeas
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.234 Branch name: master, type: long-lived
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.261 Preprocessing files...
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.577 5 languages detected in 148 preprocessed files
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.578 0 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.578 0 files ignored because of scm ignore settings
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.604 Loading plugins for detected languages
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.604 Load/download plugins
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.670 Load/download plugins (done) | time=66ms
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:47.968 Load project repositories
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.071 Load project repositories (done) | time=103ms
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.079 Indexing files...
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.080 Project configuration:
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.081   Excluded sources: **/build-wrapper-dump.json, **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.081   Included tests: **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.082   Excluded sources for coverage: **/*.js
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.086 Indexing files of module 'Look Aurora Configuration'
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.087   Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/aurora/aurora-configuration
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.089   Source paths: pom.xml
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.090   Excluded sources: **/build-wrapper-dump.json, **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.090   Included tests: **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.090   Excluded sources for coverage: **/*.js
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.098 Indexing files of module 'Look Aurora Web Application'
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.099   Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/aurora/aurora-war
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.099   Source paths: src/main/webapp, pom.xml, src/main/java
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.099   Excluded sources: **/build-wrapper-dump.json, **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.100   Included tests: **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.128Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.100   Excluded sources for coverage: **/*.js
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.378Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.145 Some of the project files were automatically excluded because they looked like generated code. Enable debug logging to see which files were excluded. You can disable bundle detection by setting sonar.javascript.detectBundles=false
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.378Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.234 Indexing files of module 'Silverpeas Aurora Look'
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.234   Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/aurora
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.235   Source paths: pom.xml
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.235   Excluded sources: **/build-wrapper-dump.json, **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.235   Included tests: **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.235   Excluded sources for coverage: **/*.js
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.235 Indexing files of module 'Silverpeas Looks'
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.236   Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.236   Source paths: pom.xml
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.236   Excluded sources: **/build-wrapper-dump.json, **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.236   Included tests: **/src/integration-test/java/**, **/src/test/java/**
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.236   Excluded sources for coverage: **/*.js
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.237 142 files indexed
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.244 Quality profile for css: Sonar way
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.245 Quality profile for java: Silverpeas way
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.245 Quality profile for js: Sonar way
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.245 Quality profile for jsp: Sonar way
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.245 Quality profile for xml: Sonar way
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.245 ------------- Run sensors on module Look Aurora Web Application
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.336 Load metrics repository
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.379Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.378 Load metrics repository (done) | time=42ms
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.629Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.384 Sensor cache enabled
13:25:48 [2025-02-03T12:25:48.630Z] [INFO] 13:25:48.570 Load sensor cache
13:25:49 [2025-02-03T12:25:49.180Z] [INFO] 13:25:49.099 Load sensor cache (404) | time=529ms
13:25:50 [2025-02-03T12:25:50.524Z] [INFO] 13:25:50.294 Sensor JavaSensor [java]
13:25:50 [2025-02-03T12:25:50.524Z] [INFO] 13:25:50.300 Configured Java source version ( 11, preview features enabled ( false
13:25:51 [2025-02-03T12:25:51.075Z] févr. 03, 2025 1:25:50 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
13:25:51 [2025-02-03T12:25:51.075Z] INFOS: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
13:25:53 [2025-02-03T12:25:53.558Z] [WARNING] 13:25:53.142 Some JSP pages failed to transpile. Enable debug log for details.
13:25:53 [2025-02-03T12:25:53.558Z] [INFO] 13:25:53.173 Server-side caching is enabled. The Java analyzer will not try to leverage data from a previous analysis.
13:25:53 [2025-02-03T12:25:53.558Z] [INFO] 13:25:53.175 Using ECJ batch to parse 32 Main java source files with batch size 419 KB.
13:25:53 [2025-02-03T12:25:53.558Z] [INFO] 13:25:53.455 Starting batch processing.
13:25:53 [2025-02-03T12:25:53.808Z] [INFO] 13:25:53.795 The Java analyzer cannot skip unchanged files in this context. A full analysis is performed for all files.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:00.930 100% analyzed
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:00.930 Batch processing: Done.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:00.931 Did not optimize analysis for any files, performed a full analysis for all 32 files.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:00.979 No "Test" source files to scan.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:00.980 Using ECJ batch to parse 4 Generated java source files with batch size 419 KB.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:00.984 Starting batch processing.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.504 100% analyzed
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.504 Batch processing: Done.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.504 Did not optimize analysis for any files, performed a full analysis for all 4 files.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [WARNING] 13:26:01.506 Unresolved imports/types have been detected during analysis. Enable DEBUG mode to see them.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.506 Sensor JavaSensor [java] (done) | time=11212ms
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.507 Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.508 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.833Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.509 No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.509 Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=2ms
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.509 Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac]
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.533 0 source files to be analyzed
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.541 0/0 source files have been analyzed
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.542 Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac] (done) | time=32ms
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.542 Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript analysis [javascript]
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.708 Detected os: Linux arch: amd64 alpine: false. Platform: LINUX_X64
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.709 Deploy location /home/silverbuild/.sonar/js/node-runtime, tagetRuntime: /home/silverbuild/.sonar/js/node-runtime/node,  version: /home/silverbuild/.sonar/js/node-runtime/version.txt
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.729 Using embedded Node.js runtime.
13:26:01 [2025-02-03T12:26:01.834Z] [INFO] 13:26:01.729 Using Node.js executable: '/home/silverbuild/.sonar/js/node-runtime/node'.
13:26:04 [2025-02-03T12:26:04.317Z] [INFO] 13:26:03.748 Memory configuration: OS (31993 MB), Node.js (4144 MB).
13:26:06 [2025-02-03T12:26:06.179Z] [WARNING] 13:26:05.919 Access to the multi-values/property set property 'sonar.javascript.file.suffixes' should be made using 'getStringArray' method. The SonarQube plugin using this property should be updated.
13:26:06 [2025-02-03T12:26:06.180Z] [WARNING] 13:26:05.919 Access to the multi-values/property set property 'sonar.typescript.file.suffixes' should be made using 'getStringArray' method. The SonarQube plugin using this property should be updated.
13:26:06 [2025-02-03T12:26:06.180Z] [INFO] 13:26:05.988 Found 0 tsconfig.json file(s): []
13:26:06 [2025-02-03T12:26:06.180Z] [INFO] 13:26:06.017 Creating TypeScript program
13:26:06 [2025-02-03T12:26:06.180Z] [INFO] 13:26:06.017 TypeScript configuration file /tmp/tmp-95901-zZGPCdowL6bO
13:26:06 [2025-02-03T12:26:06.180Z] [INFO] 13:26:06.018 2 source files to be analyzed
13:26:06 [2025-02-03T12:26:06.430Z] [INFO] 13:26:06.397 Starting analysis with current program
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.342Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.308 Analyzed 2 file(s) with current program
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.342Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.324 2/2 source files have been analyzed
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.342Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.325 Hit the cache for 0 out of 2
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.342Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.327 Miss the cache for 2 out of 2: ANALYSIS_MODE_INELIGIBLE [2/2]
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.342Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.327 Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=5785ms
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.342Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.328 Sensor CSS Rules [javascript]
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.592Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.344 8 source files to be analyzed
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.596 8/8 source files have been analyzed
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.597 Hit the cache for 0 out of 0
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.597 Miss the cache for 0 out of 0
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.597 Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] (done) | time=269ms
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.598 Sensor CSS Metrics [javascript]
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.684 Sensor CSS Metrics [javascript] (done) | time=86ms
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.684 Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend]
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.685 Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.685 Sensor SurefireSensor [java]
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.686 parsing [/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/aurora/aurora-war/target/surefire-reports]
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.687 Sensor SurefireSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:07 [2025-02-03T12:26:07.843Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.687 Sensor HTML [web]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.093Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.915 Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=228ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.093Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.915 Sensor XML Sensor [xml]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.093Z] [INFO] 13:26:07.918 3 source files to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.093Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.076 3/3 source files have been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.093Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.076 Sensor XML Sensor [xml] (done) | time=161ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.093Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.076 Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.170 0 source files to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.170 0/0 source files have been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.171 Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] (done) | time=94ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.171 Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.172 0 Serverless function entries were found in the project
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.173 0 Serverless function handlers were kept as entrypoints
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.173 Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.174 Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.174 Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.175 Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.176 Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.178 ------------- Run sensors on module Look Aurora Configuration
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.280 Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.280 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.280 No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.280 Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.280 Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.281 0 source files to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.282 0/0 source files have been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.282 Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac] (done) | time=2ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.282 Sensor CSS Rules [javascript]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.282 No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.282 Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.283 Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.283 Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.283 Sensor HTML [web]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.283 Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.283 Sensor XML Sensor [xml]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.284 1 source file to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.300 1/1 source file has been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.300 Sensor XML Sensor [xml] (done) | time=17ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.300 Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.311 0 source files to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.311 0/0 source files have been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.311 Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] (done) | time=11ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.312 Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.312 0 Serverless function entries were found in the project
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.312 0 Serverless function handlers were kept as entrypoints
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.312 Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.312 Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.312 Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.313 Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.313 Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.344Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.313 ------------- Run sensors on module Silverpeas Aurora Look
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.393 Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.394 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.394 No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.394 Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.394 Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.395 0 source files to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.395 0/0 source files have been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.396 Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac] (done) | time=2ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.396 Sensor CSS Rules [javascript]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.396 No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.396 Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.396 Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.397 Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.397 Sensor HTML [web]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.397 Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.397 Sensor XML Sensor [xml]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.398 1 source file to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.407 1/1 source file has been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.407 Sensor XML Sensor [xml] (done) | time=10ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.407 Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.416 0 source files to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.416 0/0 source files have been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.417 Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] (done) | time=9ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.417 Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.417 0 Serverless function entries were found in the project
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.417 0 Serverless function handlers were kept as entrypoints
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.417 Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.417 Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.418 Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.418 Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.418 Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.418 ------------- Run sensors on module Silverpeas Looks
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.493 Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.595Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.493 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.493 No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.494 Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.494 Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.495 0 source files to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.495 0/0 source files have been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.495 Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.496 Sensor CSS Rules [javascript]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.496 No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.496 Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.496 Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.496 Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.496 Sensor HTML [web]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.497 Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.497 Sensor XML Sensor [xml]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.497 1 source file to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.523 1/1 source file has been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.523 Sensor XML Sensor [xml] (done) | time=26ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.523 Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.531 0 source files to be analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.532 0/0 source files have been analyzed
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.532 Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] (done) | time=9ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.532 Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.532 0 Serverless function entries were found in the project
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.532 0 Serverless function handlers were kept as entrypoints
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.532 Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.533 Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.533 Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.533 Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.533 Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.596Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.533 Sensor javabugs [dbd]
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.847Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.622 Reading IR files from: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/sonar/ir/java
13:26:08 [2025-02-03T12:26:08.847Z] [INFO] 13:26:08.657 Analyzing 533 functions to detect bugs.
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.190Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.003 Sensor javabugs [dbd] (done) | time=1470ms
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.190Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.003 Sensor pythonbugs [dbd]
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.190Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.004 Reading IR files from: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/sonar/ir/python
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.190Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.004 No IR files have been included for analysis.
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.190Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.004 Sensor pythonbugs [dbd] (done) | time=1ms
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.190Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.004 Sensor EnterpriseTextAndSecretsSensor [textenterprise]
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.190Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.004 Available processors: 12
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.190Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.004 Using 12 threads for analysis.
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.489 The property "sonar.tests" is not set. To improve the analysis accuracy, we categorize a file as a test file if any of the following is true:
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z]   * The filename starts with "test"
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z]   * The filename contains "test." or "tests."
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z]   * Any directory in the file path is named: "doc", "docs", "test" or "tests"
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z]   * Any directory in the file path has a name ending in "test" or "tests"
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z] 
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.519 Using git CLI to retrieve untracked files
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.532 Analyzing language associated files and files included via "sonar.text.inclusions" that are tracked by git
13:26:10 [2025-02-03T12:26:10.741Z] [INFO] 13:26:10.555 57 source files to be analyzed
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.292Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.184 57/57 source files have been analyzed
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.292Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.185 Sensor EnterpriseTextAndSecretsSensor [textenterprise] (done) | time=1181ms
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.292Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.185 Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security]
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.292Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.194 Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5147, S5334, S5883, S6096, S6173, S6287, S6350, S6398, S6547, S6549
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.292Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.195 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.292Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.195 Load type hierarchy: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.292Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.196 Reading type hierarchy from: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/sonar/ucfg2/java
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.542Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.310 Read 277 type definitions
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.542Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.319 Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.123
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.542Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.319 Load UCFGs: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.542Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.319 Reading UCFGs from: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/sonar/ucfg2/java
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.577 Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.257
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.577 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.381
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.577 Analyzing 385 UCFGs to detect vulnerabilities.
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.577 Check cache: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.577 Load cache: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.577 Load cache: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.578 Check cache: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.578 Create runtime call graph: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.579 Variable Type Analysis #1: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.579 Create runtime type propagation graph: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.603 Create runtime type propagation graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.023
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.604 Run SCC (Tarjan) on 1819 nodes: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.608 Run SCC (Tarjan) on 1819 nodes: Time spent was 00:00:00.004
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.608 Tarjan found 1817 strongly connected components
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.608 Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.616 Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Time spent was 00:00:00.007
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.616 Variable Type Analysis #1: Time spent was 00:00:00.037
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.618 Variable Type Analysis #2: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.618 Create runtime type propagation graph: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.632 Create runtime type propagation graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.013
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.632 Run SCC (Tarjan) on 1819 nodes: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.634 Run SCC (Tarjan) on 1819 nodes: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.634 Tarjan found 1817 strongly connected components
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.634 Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Starting
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.638 Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Time spent was 00:00:00.003
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.638 Variable Type Analysis #2: Time spent was 00:00:00.019
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.640 Create runtime call graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.062
13:26:11 [2025-02-03T12:26:11.793Z] [INFO] 13:26:11.641 Load config: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:12.959 Load config: Time spent was 00:00:01.318
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:12.960 Compute entry points: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.013 Compute entry points: Time spent was 00:00:00.053
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.013 All rules entry points : 3
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.013 Slice call graph: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.014 Retained UCFGs : 53
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.016 Slice call graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.002
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.016 Live variable analysis: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.042 Live variable analysis: Time spent was 00:00:00.025
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.042 Taint analysis for java: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.136Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.054 0 / 53 UCFGs simulated, memory usage: 585 MB
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.281 48 / 53 UCFGs simulated, memory usage: 601 MB
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.282 Taint analysis for java: Time spent was 00:00:00.239
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.282 Report issues: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.286 Report issues: Time spent was 00:00:00.004
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.287 Store cache: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.290 Store cache: Time spent was 00:00:00.002
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.299 java security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:02.110
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.300 java security sensor: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.189458327Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.299512693Z, Duration: 00:00:02.110
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.195628908Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.577428826Z, Duration: 00:00:00.381
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.195822829Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.318891546Z, Duration: 00:00:00.123
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.319226316Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.577187256Z, Duration: 00:00:00.257
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]   Check cache: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.577620830Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.578124337Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]     Load cache: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.577683368Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.577753671Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]   Create runtime call graph: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.578242826Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.640750771Z, Duration: 00:00:00.062
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]     Variable Type Analysis #1: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.578980089Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.616228406Z, Duration: 00:00:00.037
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]       Create runtime type propagation graph: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.579945522Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.603513297Z, Duration: 00:00:00.023
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]       Run SCC (Tarjan) on 1819 nodes: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.603989385Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.608530540Z, Duration: 00:00:00.004
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]       Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.608884688Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.615978836Z, Duration: 00:00:00.007
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.387Z]     Variable Type Analysis #2: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.618588209Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.638464328Z, Duration: 00:00:00.019
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]       Create runtime type propagation graph: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.618734740Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.632186604Z, Duration: 00:00:00.013
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]       Run SCC (Tarjan) on 1819 nodes: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.632444576Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.634379305Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]       Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.634669031Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.638253299Z, Duration: 00:00:00.003
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]   Load config: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:11.640994262Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:12.959639643Z, Duration: 00:00:01.318
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]   Compute entry points: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:12.959991435Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.013138873Z, Duration: 00:00:00.053
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]   Slice call graph: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.013494537Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.016205041Z, Duration: 00:00:00.002
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]   Live variable analysis: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.016414750Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.042291895Z, Duration: 00:00:00.025
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]   Taint analysis for java: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.042681753Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.282136966Z, Duration: 00:00:00.239
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]   Report issues: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.282294943Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.286402882Z, Duration: 00:00:00.004
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]   Store cache: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.287573876Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.289955950Z, Duration: 00:00:00.002
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.300 java security sensor peak memory: 607 MB
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.301 Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2116ms
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.301 Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security]
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.301 Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5147, S5334, S5883, S6096, S6173, S6287, S6350, S6399, S6547, S6549, S6639, S6641, S6680, S6776, S7044
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 Load type hierarchy: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 Reading type hierarchy from: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/ucfg2/cs
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 Read 0 type definitions
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 Load UCFGs: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.302 No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.303 csharp security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.303 csharp security sensor: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.301541934Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.303196704Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.302231369Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.302858702Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.302308201Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.302616012Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.302708342Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.302781012Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.303 csharp security sensor peak memory: 607 MB
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.303 Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.303 Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security]
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.388Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5334, S5335, S5883, S6173, S6287, S6350, S7044
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Load type hierarchy: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Reading type hierarchy from: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/sonar/ucfg2/php
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Read 0 type definitions
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Load UCFGs: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.304 No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.305 php security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.305 php security sensor: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.303984790Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.305002461Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.304199669Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.304701071Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.304254390Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.304463392Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.304560548Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.304623559Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.305 php security sensor peak memory: 607 MB
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.305 Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.305 Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security]
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.305 Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5147, S5334, S5496, S6287, S6350, S6639, S6680, S6776, S6839, S7044
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.305 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.305 Load type hierarchy: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.306 Reading type hierarchy from: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/sonar/ucfg2/python
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.306 Read 0 type definitions
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.306 Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.306 Load UCFGs: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.306 Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.306 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.306 No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.306 python security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.307 python security sensor: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.305687697Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.306755373Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.305924582Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.306434632Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.305980836Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.306208086Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.306294245Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.306360533Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.307 python security sensor peak memory: 607 MB
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.307 Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.307 Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security]
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.389Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2083, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5144, S5146, S5147, S5334, S5696, S5883, S6096, S6105, S6287, S6350
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Load type hierarchy: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Reading type hierarchy from: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Silverpeas_Master_AutoDeploy/Silverpeas-Looks/target/sonar/ucfg2/js
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Read 0 type definitions
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Load UCFGs: Starting
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.308 No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.309 js security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.309 js security sensor: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.307611072Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.309090195Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.308247832Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.308761269Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.308300148Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.308541471Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.308629064Z, End: 2025-02-03T12:26:13.308682731Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.309 js security sensor peak memory: 607 MB
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.309 Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.309 ------------- Run sensors on project
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.390Z] SLF4J: See for further details.
13:26:13 [2025-02-03T12:26:13.640Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.447 Sensor ArchitectureSensor [architecture]
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.923 Sensor ArchitectureSensor [architecture] (done) | time=476ms
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.924 Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.943 Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=19ms
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:13.944 Sensor Java CPD Block Indexer
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.030 Sensor Java CPD Block Indexer (done) | time=86ms
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.040 SCM Publisher SCM provider for this project is: git
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.042 SCM Publisher 4 source files to be analyzed
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.154 SCM Publisher 0/4 source files have been analyzed (done) | time=111ms
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [WARNING] 13:26:14.154 Missing blame information for the following files:
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [WARNING] 13:26:14.154   * aurora/aurora-configuration/pom.xml
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [WARNING] 13:26:14.154   * pom.xml
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [WARNING] 13:26:14.154   * aurora/pom.xml
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [WARNING] 13:26:14.154   * aurora/aurora-war/pom.xml
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [WARNING] 13:26:14.154 This may lead to missing/broken features in SonarCloud
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.165 CPD Executor 5 files had no CPD blocks
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.165 CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 38 files
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.191Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.185 CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=20ms
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.442Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.360 Analysis report generated in 166ms, dir size=666 KB
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.692Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.483 Analysis report compressed in 122ms, zip size=240 KB
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.943Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.695 Analysis report uploaded in 212ms
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.943Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.697 ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can find the results at:
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.943Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.698 Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
13:26:14 [2025-02-03T12:26:14.943Z] [INFO] 13:26:14.698 More about the report processing at
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] 13:26:15.276 Sensor cache published successfully
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] 13:26:15.290 Time spent writing ucfgs 20ms
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] 13:26:15.465 Analysis total time: 33.641 s
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] Reactor Summary for Silverpeas Looks 6.5-build250203:
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] 
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] Silverpeas Looks ................................... SUCCESS [ 37.107 s]
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] Silverpeas Aurora Look ............................. SKIPPED
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] Look Aurora Configuration .......................... SKIPPED
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] Look Aurora Web Application ........................ SKIPPED
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] Total time:  37.756 s
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] Finished at: 2025-02-03T13:26:15+01:00
13:26:15 [2025-02-03T12:26:15.494Z] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------