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Start of Pipeline - (2 h 21 mn in block)
node - (2 h 21 mn in block)
node block - (2 h 21 mn in block)
stage - (0,45 s in block)Declarative: Checkout SCM
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (0,42 s in block)
checkout - (0,4 s in self)
withEnv block - (2 h 21 mn in block)
isUnix - (1 ms in self)
withEnv - (0,3 s in block)JD_ID, JD_TO_RUN
withEnv block - (0,27 s in block)
sh - (0,25 s in self)docker inspect -f . "$JD_TO_RUN"
withDockerContainer - (2 h 21 mn in block)
withDockerContainer block - (2 h 21 mn in block)
withEnv - (2 h 21 mn in block)gitCredential, buildVersion, release, changes, previousBuildVersion, buildNumber, artifact, wildflyVersion, nexusBuildRepo, gitBaseRepo, commits, nexusReleaseRepo, parentVersion
withEnv block - (2 h 21 mn in block)
stage - (0,92 s in block)Prepare the job
stage block (Prepare the job) - (0,89 s in block)
sh - (0,51 s in self)curl -fsSL -o pom.xml
script - (0,32 s in block)
script block - (0,3 s in block)
readMavenPom - (30 ms in self)
sh - (0,25 s in self)rm -f pom.xml
stage - (0,69 s in block)Check POM parent version
stage block (Check POM parent version) - (0,66 s in block)
copyArtifacts - (19 ms in self)
script - (0,56 s in block)
script block - (0,54 s in block)
readYaml - (18 ms in self)build.yaml
sh - (0,26 s in self)curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail -r 0-0
sh - (0,25 s in self)rm -f build.yaml
stage - (6,6 s in block)Checkout projects and check code changes
stage block (Checkout projects and check code changes) - (6,5 s in block)
script - (6,5 s in block)
script block - (6,4 s in block)
copyArtifacts - (20 ms in self)
readYaml - (19 ms in self)build.yaml
dir - (1,4 s in block)Silverpeas-Core
dir block - (1,4 s in block)
git - (1,1 s in self)
fileExists - (14 ms in self)pom.xml
readMavenPom - (20 ms in self)
sh - (0,26 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
echo - (3 ms in self)Silverpeas-Core: current commit is 8f9ad510ef76624d07af9e2d4fc3de0b4440b835 and last build commit is 8556b84e56de2f03bba2ec654d7b1c6c23ed7942
dir - (1,3 s in block)Silverpeas-Components
dir block - (1,2 s in block)
git - (0,99 s in self)
fileExists - (8 ms in self)pom.xml
readMavenPom - (13 ms in self)
sh - (0,25 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
echo - (2 ms in self)Silverpeas-Components: current commit is 3d8415e49791c4b388584715a64bc779d924058e and last build commit is ef1fff171920cd5337887e806e0d85f6cbd4ac77
dir - (1 s in block)Silverpeas-Looks
dir block - (1 s in block)
git - (0,71 s in self)
fileExists - (8 ms in self)pom.xml
readMavenPom - (10 ms in self)
sh - (0,26 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
echo - (2 ms in self)Silverpeas-Looks: current commit is ef50cf86116dc6ca270e650a8b3614e77824b843 and last build commit is 561e1725f940f6b50656ea0fbb51367c98a7e826
dir - (0,85 s in block)Silverpeas-Setup
dir block - (0,82 s in block)
git - (0,52 s in self)
fileExists - (18 ms in self)pom.xml
sh - (0,26 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
echo - (3 ms in self)Silverpeas-Setup: current commit is 19f9a05ff806927062daed0bc30d2dddfb4e1115 and last build commit is 19f9a05ff806927062daed0bc30d2dddfb4e1115
dir - (0,82 s in block)Silverpeas-Distribution
dir block - (0,79 s in block)
git - (0,48 s in self)
fileExists - (8 ms in self)pom.xml
readMavenPom - (18 ms in self)
sh - (0,26 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
echo - (3 ms in self)Silverpeas-Distribution: current commit is 2d0499c5ec315f060e4a0d17f68dafe63aff62ec and last build commit is 2d0499c5ec315f060e4a0d17f68dafe63aff62ec
dir - (0,91 s in block)Silverpeas-Assembly
dir block - (0,89 s in block)
git - (0,59 s in self)
fileExists - (10 ms in self)pom.xml
readMavenPom - (11 ms in self)
sh - (0,26 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
echo - (3 ms in self)Silverpeas-Assembly: current commit is 79e9653dd0cee601edf7c8338b24360450266637 and last build commit is 79e9653dd0cee601edf7c8338b24360450266637
stage - (2 h 21 mn in block)Build Silverpeas
stage block (Build Silverpeas) - (2 h 21 mn in block)
stage - (1 h 33 mn in block)Build Silverpeas-Core
stage block (Build Silverpeas-Core) - (1 h 33 mn in block)
dir - (1 h 33 mn in block)Silverpeas-Core
dir block - (1 h 33 mn in block)
sh - (42 s in self) sed -i -e "s/<core.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<core.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/<silverpeas.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<silverpeas.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml mvn -U versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=6.5-build241204
sh - (1 h 25 mn in self) /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml &> /dev/null & mvn clean install -Pdeployment -Pcoverage -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcontext=ci /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ --connect :shutdown
sh - (0,25 s in self)echo ${SONAR_JDK_HOME}
withSonarQubeEnv - (6 mn 48 s in block)
withSonarQubeEnv block - (6 mn 46 s in block)
sh - (6 mn 46 s in self) JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64 mvn sonar:sonar \ -Dsonar.projectKey=Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Core2 \ -Dsonar.organization=silverpeas \ \ \ -Dsonar.token=3cd3df7b158f8e0bcda958b3bcbee6843a4e7918
timeout - (28 s in block)
timeout block - (28 s in block)
waitForQualityGate - (28 s in self)
stage - (33 mn in block)Build Silverpeas-Components
stage block (Build Silverpeas-Components) - (33 mn in block)
dir - (33 mn in block)Silverpeas-Components
dir block - (33 mn in block)
sh - (10 s in self) sed -i -e "s/<core.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<core.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/<silverpeas.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<silverpeas.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml mvn -U versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=6.5-build241204
sh - (29 mn in self) /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml &> /dev/null & mvn clean install -Pdeployment -Pcoverage -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcontext=ci /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ --connect :shutdown
sh - (0,25 s in self)echo ${SONAR_JDK_HOME}
withSonarQubeEnv - (3 mn 49 s in block)
withSonarQubeEnv block - (3 mn 48 s in block)
sh - (3 mn 48 s in self) JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64 mvn sonar:sonar \ -Dsonar.projectKey=Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Components \ -Dsonar.organization=silverpeas \ \ \ -Dsonar.token=3cd3df7b158f8e0bcda958b3bcbee6843a4e7918
timeout - (16 s in block)
timeout block - (16 s in block)
waitForQualityGate - (16 s in self)
stage - (17 s in block)Build Silverpeas-Assembly
stage block (Build Silverpeas-Assembly) - (17 s in block)
dir - (17 s in block)Silverpeas-Assembly
dir block - (17 s in block)
script - (82 ms in block)
script block - (43 ms in block)
readMavenPom - (27 ms in self)
sh - (6,6 s in self) sed -i -e "s/<core.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<core.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/<silverpeas.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<silverpeas.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml mvn -U versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=6.5-build241204
sh - (10 s in self) /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml &> /dev/null & mvn clean install -Pdeployment -Pcoverage -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcontext=ci /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ --connect :shutdown
stage - (1 mn 7 s in block)Build Silverpeas Setup
stage block (Build Silverpeas Setup) - (1 mn 7 s in block)
dir - (1 mn 7 s in block)Silverpeas-Setup
dir block - (1 mn 7 s in block)
sh - (1 mn 7 s in self) sed -i -e "s/version = '.\+'/version = '6.5-build241204'/g" build.gradle ./gradlew clean build test publishToMavenLocal
stage - (22 s in block)Build Silverpeas Distribution
stage block (Build Silverpeas Distribution) - (22 s in block)
dir - (22 s in block)Silverpeas-Distribution
dir block - (22 s in block)
sh - (6,6 s in self) sed -i -e "s/<core.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<core.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/<silverpeas.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<silverpeas.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml mvn -U versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=6.5-build241204
sh - (15 s in self) /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml &> /dev/null & mvn clean install -Pdeployment -Pcoverage -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcontext=ci /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ --connect :shutdown
stage - (1 mn 3 s in block)Build Silverpeas-Looks
stage block (Build Silverpeas-Looks) - (1 mn 3 s in block)
dir - (1 mn 3 s in block)Silverpeas-Looks
dir block - (1 mn 3 s in block)
sh - (4,3 s in self) sed -i -e "s/<core.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<core.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/<silverpeas.version>[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\+/<silverpeas.version>6.5-build241204/g" pom.xml mvn -U versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=6.5-build241204
sh - (21 s in self) /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml &> /dev/null & mvn clean install -Pdeployment -Pcoverage -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcontext=ci /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ --connect :shutdown
sh - (0,25 s in self)echo ${SONAR_JDK_HOME}
withSonarQubeEnv - (35 s in block)
withSonarQubeEnv block - (35 s in block)
sh - (35 s in self) JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64 mvn sonar:sonar \ -Dsonar.projectKey=Silverpeas_Silverpeas-Looks \ -Dsonar.organization=silverpeas \ \ \ -Dsonar.token=3cd3df7b158f8e0bcda958b3bcbee6843a4e7918
timeout - (1,8 s in block)
timeout block - (1,7 s in block)
waitForQualityGate - (1,7 s in self)
stage - (4 mn 3 s in block)Publish Silverpeas-Core
stage block (Publish Silverpeas-Core) - (4 mn 3 s in block)
dir - (4 mn 3 s in block)Silverpeas-Core
dir block - (4 mn 3 s in block)
sh - (4 mn 3 s in self)mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=silverpeas::default:: -Pdeployment -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
sh - (0,25 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
stage - (7 mn 31 s in block)Publish Silverpeas-Components
stage block (Publish Silverpeas-Components) - (7 mn 31 s in block)
dir - (7 mn 31 s in block)Silverpeas-Components
dir block - (7 mn 31 s in block)
sh - (7 mn 30 s in self)mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=silverpeas::default:: -Pdeployment -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
sh - (0,25 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
stage - (5,7 s in block)Publish Silverpeas-Assembly
stage block (Publish Silverpeas-Assembly) - (5,7 s in block)
dir - (5,6 s in block)Silverpeas-Assembly
dir block - (5,6 s in block)
sh - (5,3 s in self)mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=silverpeas::default:: -Pdeployment -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
sh - (0,25 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
stage - (3,3 s in block)Publish Silverpeas-Setup
stage block (Publish Silverpeas-Setup) - (3,3 s in block)
dir - (3,3 s in block)Silverpeas-Setup
dir block - (3,2 s in block)
sh - (2,9 s in self) sed -i -e "s/https:\\/\\/\\/repository\\/releases/https:\\/\\/\\/repository\\/builds/g" build.gradle ./gradlew publish
script - (0,29 s in block)
script block - (0,27 s in block)
sh - (0,26 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
stage - (8,8 s in block)Publish Silverpeas-Distribution
stage block (Publish Silverpeas-Distribution) - (8,7 s in block)
dir - (8,7 s in block)Silverpeas-Distribution
dir block - (8,7 s in block)
sh - (8,4 s in self)mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=silverpeas::default:: -Pdeployment -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
sh - (0,26 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
stage - (15 s in block)Publish Silverpeas-Looks
stage block (Publish Silverpeas-Looks) - (14 s in block)
dir - (14 s in block)Silverpeas-Looks
dir block - (14 s in block)
sh - (14 s in self)mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=silverpeas::default:: -Pdeployment -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
sh - (0,26 s in self)git rev-parse HEAD
stage - (54 ms in block)Publish Community Web Site
stage block (Publish Community Web Site) - (37 ms in block)
build (Building Silverpeas Project Web Site Publisher) - (3 ms in self)
stage - (0,66 s in block)Create YAML build report
stage block (Create YAML build report) - (0,62 s in block)
script - (0,57 s in block)
script block - (0,55 s in block)
sh - (0,26 s in self)mkdir -p target
sh - (0,26 s in self)rm -f build.yaml
writeYaml - (17 ms in self)
stage - (0,44 s in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (0,43 s in block)
step - (30 ms in self)
script - (71 ms in block)
script block - (31 ms in block)
archiveArtifacts - (40 ms in self)
sh - (0,26 s in self)rm -rf target