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  1. In the Silverpeas installation and upgrade test, explicits the db port for each database system under the tests (details)
  2. Fix Jenkinsfile for building the Docker image silverpeas/silverbuild (details)
  3. Update sonarcloud project id of Silverpeas-Core (details)
  4. Analysis code is now performed also against the stable branch of the Silverpeas projects (details)
  5. For both build versions and releases of Silverpeas, use now a map (details)
  6. Add the Sonar analysis to the Silverpeas-Looks project when building a (details)
  7. Fix bug in the Jenkinfile for releasing a minor version of Silverpeas. (details)
  8. In the generation of the project web site, update also the version of Silverpeas in the index.html (details)
  9. For the generation of an izpack distribution of Silverpeas, remove the computation of the next version (details)
  10. Update the mapping between Silverpeas branches and Docker image version to build it (details)
  11. During the generation of the web site of the Silverpeas community, when (details)
  12. Update the URL of the Maven repositories so that it refers the (details)
  13. The build version of silverpeas mobile doesn't follow anymore the one of (details)
  14. With the replacement of Jackrabbit 2 by Jackrabbit Oak, there is no more requirement on jcrAccessControl. (details)
  15. With the replacement of Jackrabbit 2 by Jackrabbit Oak as implementation (details)
  16. For 6.4 with Jackrabbit 2, the docker image to use is now 6.4-JR instead (details)
  17. Fix a bug in the release pipeline of Silverpeas (details)
  18. Fix bad syntax in the sh statement in the pipeline of the Silverpeas for prod docker image release (details)
  19. Add a new stage in the pipeline of the Silverpeas installation tests: (details)
  20. Updating the Jenkins file of WebBrowserEdition project according to the new convention rules. (details)
  21. Add a new Jenkinsfile to release versions of the project Silverpeas Kernel (details)
  22. Take into account of the new location and new major version of our Nexus service (details)
  23. Java 11 isn't anymore supported by SonarCloud. Use a property to indicate we force the analyse with a deprecated Java version (details)
Commit 3853e8219fe7bdf422a1fd9ac79c5a51bba25524 by Miguel Moquillon
In the Silverpeas installation and upgrade test, explicits the db port for each database system under the tests
The file was modifiedsrc/tests/upgrade/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tests/install/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit e94000d1972c670c9dc4dd4d81b462df3b51b575 by Miguel Moquillon
Fix Jenkinsfile for building the Docker image silverpeas/silverbuild
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-build/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 35ac653f3d0353854d5f4f5a5187e82cf74c89b6 by Miguel Moquillon
Update sonarcloud project id of Silverpeas-Core
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit a350630ff4c94ee27cc20aa97a1de079322ec5fd by Miguel Moquillon
Analysis code is now performed also against the stable branch of the Silverpeas projects
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit f7e93982d99fc4e9e177ff6818cedfa24086d402 by Miguel Moquillon
For both build versions and releases of Silverpeas, use now a map
between SCM branch names and versions of the Docker image to use.
Specify the branch name to Sonar when analysing the code of projects in
stable version.
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit e378df38914a9df9472a8fbed4e2442e907166ef by Miguel Moquillon
Add the Sonar analysis to the Silverpeas-Looks project when building a
build version of Silverpeas
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit dad062bc098e3fff92b4e60eb1eed6aec6ec9057 by Miguel Moquillon
Fix bug in the Jenkinfile for releasing a minor version of Silverpeas.
Fix bug when publishing the document after a new release of Silverpeas.
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas-doc/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 7adf6059fa3ab7e0ed56877c2f4b97c6f86b0d23 by Miguel Moquillon
In the generation of the project web site, update also the version of Silverpeas in the index.html
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/project-doc/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas-doc/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 832143b593f5555c7dcd4ea80cfc5ecc78bb0ac1 by Miguel Moquillon
For the generation of an izpack distribution of Silverpeas, remove the computation of the next version
Fix syntax in the Jenkinsfile to generate a docker image for jobs in
Jenkins and for dev.
Fix bug syntax in the Jenkinsfile to generate a Docker image of
Silverpeas and to open a PR in the DockerHub github to integrate this
image in the Docker official repositories.
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-dev/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/izpack/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-build/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-prod/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit a100ac5c067d40e45edb8da20c772fdf62c53e43 by Miguel Moquillon
Update the mapping between Silverpeas branches and Docker image version to build it
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit cc5e1120737f51ec8d91c4fd3c43a52a99ffc6c9 by Miguel Moquillon
During the generation of the web site of the Silverpeas community, when
getting the Wildfly version from the release report of a stable version
of Silverpeas, remove the '.Final' word from it.
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/project-doc/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 62ec471e1cf0ead776068b22acc5db2e24f44e41 by Miguel Moquillon
Update the URL of the Maven repositories so that it refers the
'silverpeas' repo and not only the 'build' one.
The file was modifiedsrc/tests/upgrade/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tests/install/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit f5ce6737fdf3d26a06780a69524deda523f9fff3 by Miguel Moquillon
The build version of silverpeas mobile doesn't follow anymore the one of
Silverpeas. Silverpeas mobile has now its own build version lifecycle.
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/mobile/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 37031c313fee3ae2db8e43ba690736103b31de99 by Miguel Moquillon
With the replacement of Jackrabbit 2 by Jackrabbit Oak, there is no more requirement on jcrAccessControl.
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/project/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit a9296495c7d8f736b5f8559f2ca7372d4e59940f by Miguel Moquillon
With the replacement of Jackrabbit 2 by Jackrabbit Oak as implementation
of the JCR used by Silverpeas, the branch 'master' has been duplicated
in order to keep track of the two versions of Silverpeas 6.4 in dev: one
with Jackrabbit Oak (master) and the another one with Jackrabbit 2
(master-jackrabbit). These two branches will be kept until the release
of version 6.4. So, the pipelines dedicated in the construction of build
versions as well as to release a version of Silverpeas have been updated
in consequence.

Improve the pipeline to construct a build version of Silverpeas Mobile.
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/mobile/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/project/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 2e4857b998ece8f207b9a84e10009a400a544e3e by Miguel Moquillon
For 6.4 with Jackrabbit 2, the docker image to use is now 6.4-JR instead
of latest. Latest will be for 6.4 with Jackrabbit Oak (the default 6.4)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/mobile/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit e0e36317aa0c8bd7bd692e9e4f79139f7222a97c by Miguel Moquillon
Fix a bug in the release pipeline of Silverpeas
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit cf49ed2aaf8d8d35a9e906cab7761ca66062f98e by Miguel Moquillon
Fix bad syntax in the sh statement in the pipeline of the Silverpeas for prod docker image release
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-prod/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit d921562dacef9f50d85eb12d9fab5c3f7db3474f by Miguel Moquillon
Add a new stage in the pipeline of the Silverpeas installation tests:
a test with H2 as database
The file was modifiedsrc/tests/install/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit a3e3109be7bea387df42254cafa05a6adea05e89 by SilverYoCha
Updating the Jenkins file of WebBrowserEdition project according to the new convention rules.

'main' branch and 'main-jackrabbit' branches are now handled in order to facilitate Silverpeas clean and install operations.
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/wbe/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 625b6936fadd0e0ff5f46f60808f57b7ad95fa55 by Miguel Moquillon
Add a new Jenkinsfile to release versions of the project Silverpeas Kernel
The file was addedsrc/releases/kernel/Jenkinsfile
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/sso/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/wbe/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 5d4cc9415c10865f9fb117ed1177bba00709b0f4 by Miguel Moquillon
Take into account of the new location and new major version of our Nexus service
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/project/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas-doc/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/sso/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tests/upgrade/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/mobile/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/project-doc/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/izpack/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/docker-prod/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/jackrabbit-jca/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/jcr-access-control/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/wbe/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/releases/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tests/install/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 5aaf03f5cff800bb403bf866f44573fc8fc2a24f by Miguel Moquillon
Java 11 isn't anymore supported by SonarCloud. Use a property to indicate we force the analyse with a deprecated Java version
The file was modifiedsrc/builds/silverpeas/Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. Upgrade for Jackrabbit 2.20.14 et for Tika 2.4.1 (details)
Commit dd562a8c033db7d6638889a6aa9e50ce83153437 by Miguel Moquillon
Upgrade for Jackrabbit 2.20.14 et for Tika 2.4.1
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)