import java.util.regex.Matcher /** * Pipeline to prepare the production-ready Docker image of a new stable version of Silverpeas. * This image will be built and registered among the official supported Docker images in the * Docker Hub. * * This pipeline is triggered by another one, say the one releasing a new stable version of * Silverpeas. The Docker image will be tagged with the version of Silverpeas, and as latest * only for a major or a minor version. For later, a new branch in the SCM will be created in order * to pursuit the constructing of Docker images of patch versions of Silverpeas from this branch. * * Once the generation of the Docker image recipe is done, a PR will be opened in * * * This script takes care of an update of the existing Docker image recipe for a given version of * Silverpeas. In this case, the tag will be deleted in order to be recreated. (But the commit * related to the previous build, from which the tag has been created, isn't reverted.) * * It requires the following parameters: * SILVERPEAS_VERSION the version of Silverpeas to run for testing purpose * WILDFLY_VERSION the version of Wildfly atop of which Silverpeas will run. */ pipeline { agent any parameters { string ( description: 'the version of Silverpeas to run in Docker for production purpose', name: 'SILVERPEAS_VERSION' ) string ( description: 'the version of Wildfly to use for running Silverpeas', name: 'WILDFLY_VERSION' ) } environment { registryCredential = 'dockerhub-mmoquillon' gitRepoProject = '' gitRepoDockerHub = '' gitCredential = 'cacc0467-7c85-41d1-bf4e-eaa470dd5e59' gitToken = 'decabf50-38b1-4408-a978-a906372d79a7' mavenRepo = '' project = 'docker-silverpeas-prod' dockerhub = 'official-images' branch = getBranch() versionExists = '0' silverpeasVersion = '' doPR = 'true' prResult = '0' update = '-1' } stages { stage('Check the Docker image version to build') { when { expression { !isVersionCorrect() } } steps { error "Only stable versions of Silverpeas are accepted!" } } stage('Prepare the project') { steps { dir(project) { git([url: gitRepoProject, branch: branch, credentialsId: gitCredential]) script { versionExists = sh script: "curl -fsSL -o pom-silverpeas.xml ${mavenRepo}/org/silverpeas/silverpeas-assembly/${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}/silverpeas-assembly-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}.pom", returnStatus: true silverpeasVersion = sh script: 'grep -oP \'(?<=SILVERPEAS_VERSION=)[0-9.]+\' Dockerfile', returnStdout: true sh 'rm -f pom-silverpeas.xml' update = sh script: "git rev-parse ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} > /dev/null 2>&1", returnStatus: true } } } } stage('Check Silverpeas version is a new one') { when { expression { silverpeasVersion == params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION || versionExists != 0 } } steps { error "Either there is no change or Silverpeas ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} doesn't exist" } } stage('Clean up previous build for the same version') { environment { GIT_AUTH = credentials("${gitCredential}") } when { expression { update == 0 } } steps { dir(project) { echo "This is build replaces/fixes a previous one for ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}." sh script: """ git tag -d ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} git push origin :${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} """, returnStatus: true } } } stage('Update Dockerfile for new version') { environment { GIT_AUTH = credentials("${gitCredential}") } steps { dir(project) { sh ''' git config --local credential.helper "!f() { echo username=\\${GIT_AUTH_USR}; echo password=\\$GIT_AUTH_PSW; }; f" ''' sh """ ./ ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} ${params.WILDFLY_VERSION.replace('.Final', '')} git commit -am "Generate Dockerfile for Silverpeas ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}" git tag ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} git push origin HEAD:${branch} git push origin --tags ./ > "${env.WORKSPACE}"/silverpeas """ } } } stage('Create new stable branch') { environment { GIT_AUTH = credentials("${gitCredential}") } when { expression { branch == 'master' } } steps { dir(project) { sh ''' git config --local credential.helper "!f() { echo username=\\${GIT_AUTH_USR}; echo password=\\$GIT_AUTH_PSW; }; f" ''' sh "git checkout -b ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}.x" sh "git push origin HEAD:${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}.x" } } } stage('Update official Docker images library') { environment { GIT_AUTH = credentials("${gitCredential}") } steps { dir(dockerhub) { git([url: gitRepoDockerHub, credentialsId: gitCredential]) sh ''' git config --local credential.helper "!f() { echo username=\\${GIT_AUTH_USR}; echo password=\\$GIT_AUTH_PSW; }; f" ''' sh script: 'git remote add docker', returnStatus: true sh ''' git pull docker master git push origin HEAD:master ''' script { int status = sh script: "git rev-parse silverpeas-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} > /dev/null 2>&1", returnStatus: true if (status == 0) { echo "The branch silverpeas-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} already exists. So this is just an update" sh """ git checkout silverpeas-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} cp "${env.WORKSPACE}/silverpeas" library/ git commit -a --amend --no-edit git push origin silverpeas-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} --force-with-lease """ doPR = 'false' } else { sh """ git checkout -b silverpeas-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} cp "${env.WORKSPACE}/silverpeas" library/ git commit -am "Update Docker image for Silverpeas version ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}" git push origin silverpeas-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} """ doPR = 'true' } } } } } stage('Open pull request') { when { expression { doPR == 'true' } } environment { GIT_AUTH = credentials("${gitCredential}") GIT_TOKEN = credentials("${gitToken}") } steps { script { prResult = sh script: """ curl -X POST \ -u "${GIT_AUTH_USR}:${GIT_TOKEN}" \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' \ -d '{"title":"New Docker image for Silverpeas ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}", "body":"Update 'silverpeas' Docker library to take into account Silverpeas ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}","head":"Silverpeas:silverpeas-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}","base":"master"}' \ """, returnStdout: true } } } } post { success { script { currentBuild.displayName = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION if (prResult != '0') { sh 'mkdir -p build' writeFile file: 'build/PR.txt', text: prResult archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/PR.txt', fingerprint: true sh 'rm -rf build' } emailext( subject: "Production-ready Docker image of Silverpeas ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} is ready!", body: """ The production-ready Docker image of Silverpeas ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} has been prepared to be published among the official supported applications in the Docker Hub. The official Docker Hub library has then also been updated with the commit and tag of this updated Docker image. A PR has been opened in for the Docker team to take in charge the integration of our new Docker image of Silverpeas into the official Docker Hub. Don't forget to follow the status of this integration in """, to: ',' ) } } always { step([$class : 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients : ",", sendToIndividuals : true]) } } } String getBranch() { Matcher matcher = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION =~ '^(\\d+.\\d+)\\..*$' matcher ? "${matcher[0][1]}.x" : 'master' } boolean isVersionCorrect() { Matcher matcher = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION =~ '^(\\d+.\\d+(.\\d+)?)$' return matcher.matches() }