pipeline { agent { docker { image 'silverpeas/silverbuild' args '-v $HOME/.m2:/home/silverbuild/.m2 -v $HOME/.gitconfig:/home/silverbuild/.gitconfig -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/silverbuild/.ssh -v $HOME/.gnupg:/home/silverbuild/.gnupg' } } stages { stage('Publish project web site') { steps { script { // publish the project web site only for the master branch git credentialsId: 'cacc0467-7c85-41d1-bf4e-eaa470dd5e59', branch: 'master', poll: false, url: "https://github.com/Silverpeas/Silverpeas-Project-Web-Site" def status = sh script: """ mvn clean site-deploy """, returnStatus: true if (status != 0) { emailext( subject: "Silverpeas Web Site publishing failure!", body: """ I was unable to publish the Silverpeas Community Web Site to www.silverpeas.org! Please, consult the console log of the build ${currentBuild.displayName} of ${currentBuild.projectName} """, to: 'miguel.moquillon@silverpeas.org, yohann.chastagnier@silverpeas.org' ) } } } } } post { always { step([$class : 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients : "miguel.moquillon@silverpeas.org, yohann.chastagnier@silverpeas.org, david.lesimple@silverpeas.org", sendToIndividuals : true]) } } }