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        <li id="publishDate" class="pull-right"><span class="divider">|</span> Last Published: 2025-02-23</li>
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<h2><a name="a1._Authorized_Use_of_the_Silverpeas_Trademark."></a>1. Authorized Use of the Silverpeas Trademark.</h2>
<h3><a name="A._Silverpeas___Logo."></a>A. Silverpeas   Logo.</h3>
<p>Silverpeas has developed a family of &quot;Conditional Use&quot; Logos for
          those who wish to show their support for Silverpeas and its products
          and services by displaying such a logo in the user interface of a
          website. The &quot;Conditional Use&quot; Logos may be used without specific
          written permission from Silverpeas. under the following conditions:
<li>The use must not be detrimental, i.e., harmful or damaging,
            to the value of any of the Silverpeas. Marks, or to Silverpeas
            Software, its brand integrity, reputation or goodwill, as
            determined by Silverpeas. in its sole discretion;
<li>The Silverpeas logo must be a &quot;clickable&quot; link that leads directly to
<li>If the website has password-protected areas, the
            &quot;Conditional Use&quot; Logo must be placed only in areas that are not
<li>If used in an application released under the GPL, LGPL, MPL,
            Silverpeas Public License or any other Open Source Initiative
            (http://www.opensource.org) recognized open source license, the
            application must be able to connect directly to an Silverpeas
            Software server
<li>The limited license given herein does not include the right
            to use any Silverpeas logo or any other Silverpeas Logo as a
            trademark to promote your own products or services. For example,
            no Silverpeas logo may be used on any product packaging or
            documentation, such as (without limitation) on CD-ROM or diskette
            labels or packaging, books or other publications. Any such use
            must be expressly authorized by Silverpeas. in a signed, written
<h3><a name="B._General."></a>B. General.</h3>
<p>As a general rule, no person or entity may use (or authorize the use
          of) the Silverpeas logo in any manner other than as expressly
          authorized by Silverpeas in a written agreement. Silverpeas reserves the
          right to revoke any such authorization at any time in its sole
          discretion, such as where use does not strictly conform to the
          requirements of this Trademark Policy and/or Silverpeas written
<h3><a name="C._Publications.2C_Lectures.2C_PowerPoint_.26_Other_Presentations."></a>C. Publications, Lectures, PowerPoint &amp; Other Presentations.</h3>
<p>Third Parties may use Silverpeas Marks (except Silverpeas Logos) in
          the titles of publications, such as books or magazines, or in
          connection with presentations, provided that the use: (i) is
          referential only; (ii) does not use the Silverpeas. Mark as a
          trademark; and (iii) complies with this Trademark Policy. Silverpeas
          Marks must always be attributed with the proper symbol and footnoted,
          as explained below, on all publications and presentations that are
          displayed to the public (sales, trade shows etc).
<p>Since the Silverpeas Marks are used in these instances only to
          describe the content of the publication or presentation and are not used
          as trademarks to promote your own products and services, you should
          not attempt to establish trademark or other proprietary rights by
          registering, or attempting to register, the titles as trademarks,
          service marks, corporate names or trade names. In addition, your name
          or mark and logo should appear in a prominent location on the cover and
          title page of all publications and on all materials related to the
          presentations and should appear more prominent than the title
          incorporating the Silverpeas Marks on all printed materials related to
          the publications or presentations.
<p>Please note that this Section 1(F) only permits referential use of a
          Silverpeas Mark (except any Silverpeas Logo) - it does not permit use
          of any Silverpeas Mark as a trademark. Without the express prior
          written consent of Silverpeas. No Silverpeas Mark may be used as a
          trademark to promote any publication, lecture or other presentation.

<h2><a name="a2._Unauthorized_Use_of_Silverpeas_Marks."></a>2. Unauthorized Use of Silverpeas Marks.</h2>
<h3><a name="A._General."></a>A. General.</h3>
<p>Unauthorized use of the Silverpeas Marks or marks that are
          confusingly similar may constitute an infringement of Silverpeas
          trademark rights and is strictly prohibited. Without the express prior
          written consent of Silverpeas, no Silverpeas. Mark may be used in a
          manner that implies an affiliation with or sponsorship by Silverpeas.
<h3><a name="B._Third_Party_Marks."></a>B. Third Party Marks.</h3>
<p>Unless expressly authorized by Silverpeas in writing, third parties
          generally may not use any Silverpeas. Marks as part of their company
          names, trademarks or logos. In other words, no person or entity may
          combine any Silverpeas. Mark with any third party trademark without the
          express prior written consent of Silverpeas.

<p>No third party may name or rename a product or service of its own to
          include the word &quot;Silverpeas&quot; without the express prior written
          consent of Silverpeas. Furthermore, no third party may claim any right
          to register, or attempt to register, a trademark in any territory if the
          trademark in question includes &quot;Silverpeas&quot; or is in some other way
          similar to any Silverpeas Mark.

<p>In the event that Silverpeas. authorizes any of the above uses in
          writing, the Silverpeas. Mark must be at least as large as the
          trademark or logo of the other company.
<h3><a name="C._Internet_Domain_Names."></a>C. Internet Domain Names.</h3>
<p>No third party may register or attempt to register an Internet
          domain name that includes &quot;Silverpeas&quot; or any of the Silverpeas. Marks
          or any marks that are confusingly similar to the Silverpeas. Marks. in a
          way that is detrimental, i.e., harmful or damaging, to the value of
          any of the Silverpeas Marks, or to Silverpeas., its brand integrity,
          reputation or goodwill, as determined by Silverpeas in its sole
<h3><a name="D._Damaging_Use."></a>D. Damaging Use.</h3>
<p>The Silverpeas Marks may not be used in a manner or with respect to
          products that will decrease the value of the Silverpeas Marks or
          otherwise impair or damage Silverpeas brand integrity, reputation or
          goodwill, including (without limitation) use in a manner that is
          unethical, offensive, disparaging, defamatory, illegal or in bad taste.

<h2><a name="a3._Guidelines_for_Use_of_Silverpeas_Marks."></a>3. Guidelines for Use of Silverpeas Marks.</h2>
<h3><a name="A._Silverpeas_Mark_Table."></a>A. Silverpeas Mark Table.</h3>
<p>Listed below is the current Silverpeas logo. This list will be
          updated from time to time, at the sole discretion of Silverpeas. In
          addition, Silverpeas may, at its sole discretion, modify the Silverpeas
          logo at any time. Please refer to the Silverpeas Mark Table
          periodically to ensure your compliance.
            <b>The Silverpeas Logo:</b>
<p align="left">
            <img src="../images/logo_SP.jpg" width="328" height="202" alt="Logo SP" />
            The absence of a trademark, service mark, trade name or logo from this
            list does not constitute a waiver of Silverpeas's trademark
            or other intellectual property rights.
<h3><a name="B._Proper_Trademark_Use."></a>B. Proper Trademark Use.</h3>
<p>Always use Silverpeas Marks as proper adjectives. A trademark is an
          adjective and must not be used as a verb or noun or in the possessive
          or plural forms.
<p>Examples of Proper Use: Silverpeas software, Silverpeas application,
          Silverpeas database server, Silverpeas database management system,
          Silverpeas code, Silverpeas source code, Silverpeas training,
          Silverpeas support, Silverpeas services, Silverpeas partner.
          Do not alter Silverpeas Marks. When using a SilverpeasMark, never vary
          the spelling, add hyphens, make one word two, or use a possessive or
          plural form of the SilverpeasMark. Do not abbreviate a Silverpeas Mark
          to create an acronym.

<p>When using a Silverpeas logo, you must never modify the design, add
          or delete any words, or change any colors or proportions. The logo may
          be scaled proportionally. The logo may in its entirety be displayed in
          black on white background OR in white on dark - black or one-coloured -
          background. The typesize of the trademark notice symbol may be

<p>The Silverpeas Logo must be used as a stand-alone icon in accordance
          with this Trademark Policy, without any other third party logos and/or
          trademarks combined or associated with it. At least a margin
          corresponding to the height of the &quot;W&quot; in the logo should be left empty
          around the logo in the background color of the displayed logo. No
          additional text or graphics may be placed in the margin except trademark
          symbols and the words of logo versions specifically designed by

<p>Any SilverpeasLogo shall only be used in conjunction with Silverpeas
          products and services, except as specifically agreed in writing by
          Silverpeas or in Section 1(A) above.
<h3><a name="C._Provide_Trademark_Notice_Symbols."></a>C. Provide Trademark Notice Symbols.</h3>
<p>When using any Silverpeas Mark, you should use the TM symbol. This
          symbol provides notice to third parties of Silverpeas rights in its
          Silverpeas word marks must bear the trademark notice symbol TM in
          the first and most prominent usage of a mark and again in the first
          appearance of a word mark in the text or body of copy. Notice symbols
          must always appear with all Silverpeas Logos. Wherever possible,
          trademark notice symbols should be superscripted immediately after all
          Silverpeas. Marks. Once proper trademark notice symbols are used, and a
          Silverpeas Mark is correctly attributed to Silverpeas.(as further
          explained below), in permitted materials, it is not ordinarily necessary
          to mark subsequent appearances of the trademark in the same text.
<h3><a name="D._Link_to_Silverpeas_Website."></a>D. Link to Silverpeas Website.</h3>
<p>All uses of a Silverpeas Logo, such as the &quot;Content managed by
          Silverpeas&quot; Logo, in a user interface should be linked from the logo to
          <a class="externalLink" href="http://www.silverpeas.com/">www.silverpeas.com</a>.

<h2><a name="a4._General."></a>4. General.</h2>
<h3><a name="A._What_is_a_trademark.3F"></a>A. What is a trademark?</h3>
<p>A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of
          those things, that distinguishes one company's products and services
          from the products and services of another. Thus, although a trademark
          is a symbol of the source of a product or service, a trademark is not
          the good or service itself. For example, Silverpeas brands its content
          management product and its other products and services using the
          Silverpeas trademark and the other trademarks, service marks, trade
          names, and logos identified in Section 3(A) of this Trademark Policy
          (collectively, the &quot;Silverpeas Marks&quot; or &quot;Marks&quot;).

<p>A service mark is simply a trademark that identifies the source of a
          service. A logo is a trademark that incorporates a design of some sort,
          such as the Silverpeas Mark that includes the &quot;turbine&quot; design. A
          trademark is not the same as a copyright or a patent.
<h3><a name="B._Trademarks_and_the_Silverpeas_Public_License_License."></a>B. Trademarks and the Silverpeas Public License License.</h3>
<p>The Silverpeas Public License is one of the ways by which Silverpeas
          distributes Silverpeas product. TheSilverpeasPublic License permits
          third parties to use and redistribute the underlying software under
          certain circumstances. Such use and/or redistribution of
          Silverpeassoftware products are much welcomed by Silverpeas, but should
          be distinguished from the use of the Silverpeas Marks. The Silverpeas
          Public License does not provide any license or right to use any
          SilverpeasMark in any form or media. Thus, although a Silverpeas Public
          License licensee may redistribute the underlying software, a
          Silverpeas Public License licensee may not use any Silverpeas Mark in
          doing so without the express prior written permission of Silverpeas.
          Otherwise, users could be misled into thinking that
          revisions made by a Silverpeas Public License licensee were created or
          endorsed by Silverpeas, or that those revisions met the quality control
          standards of Silverpeas.
<h3><a name="C._To_whom_does_this_Trademark_Policy_apply.3F"></a>C. To whom does this Trademark Policy apply?</h3>
<p>This Trademark Policy applies to all of Silverpeas authorized
          partners, authorized resellers, licensees, customers, and users of
          Silverpeas products and services, or products that incorporate
          Silverpeas products or services, as well as other third parties who
          wish to use the Silverpeas Marks (referred to as &quot;Third Parties&quot; or
          &quot;you&quot;). However, except as expressly provided in Section 1(A) below,
          this Trademark Policy does not constitute a license, implied or
          otherwise, to use any Silverpeas Mark or the Silverpeas company name.
          Although we encourage use of the Silverpeas &quot;Conditional use logos&quot; as
          provided in Section 1(A) above, generally, no person or entity may use
          any Silverpeas Mark without the prior, express written permission of

<p>By adhering to this Trademark Policy, you help Silverpeas to prevent
          confusion in the marketplace and to protect and enhance the value and
          integrity of its Marks. Silverpeas appreciates your cooperation in this

<h2><a name="a5._Miscellaneous."></a>5. Miscellaneous.</h2>
<h3><a name="A._Third_Party_Licensors."></a>A. Third Party Licensors.</h3>
<p>Some Silverpeas products include technology used under license from
          third party licensors. You must not use any such third party trademark
          without express permission from the owner. This Trademark Policy is
          limited to Silverpeas. Marks and does not apply to marks owned by third
<h3><a name="B._Possible_Infringements."></a>B. Possible Infringements.</h3>
<p>Please report any possible infringement and/or misuse of any Silverpeas Mark and/or a
          violation of this Trademark Policy at
          <a class="externalLink" href="mailto:info@silverpeas.com">info@silverpeas.com</a>

<h2><a name="a6._Questions.2C_Comments_and_Reports_of_Misuse."></a>6. Questions, Comments and Reports of Misuse.</h2>
<p>Please contact Silverpeas at the email
        <a class="externalLink" href="mailto:info@silverpeas.com">info@silverpeas.com</a>.

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