Jboss should be listening on every IP address.
Warning : this is not enabling a SSL connector. For this purpose, you still need to uncomment the SSL connector in JBoss server.xml
You should be able to resolve localhost on your Mac now.
Thanks to Galder ZamarreƱo for the answer (InetAddress.getLocalHost() resolution on OSX Lion when offline)
Jboss should be ok.
The JCR should be ok.
Edit the file
$SILVERPEAS_HOME/bin/pom.xml and change the version value (fort example, use 5.3.).
In order to know the last available version got to
The maximum size for an uploaded file is configured in the file
You have to change the value for the key
For example to limit the size of an uploaded file to 15 Mo, the value should be (15 x 1024 x 1024) :
The files are stored in the directory
The file
traces.txt can grow significally. You can use a rolling file for the logs.
This can be achieved by configuring the
Edit the file
${SILVERPEAS_HOME}/silvertrace/ and configure like this :
Thus the file traces.txt will be renammed each week.
You must pay attention not to manually change properties because you will lose them when you will upgrade Silverpeas.
Silverpeas provides an XML file called "CustomerSettings.xml" which is dedicated to that.
this file located in $SILVERPEAS_HOME/setup/settings contains all the specific settings.
In the extract of this file below you will see how to change a simple properties file such as an XML configuration file.
The format is :
This can be done by editing the value of showImportance in the file $SILVERPEAS_HOME/properties/org/silverpeas/kmelia/settings/ The accepted values are :
There are two kinds of languages in Silverpeas : one for content and one for displaying the portal.
Thus you have two files to edit :
showImportance in the file
The accepted values are :
First, the applications having to be accessed by anyone must have their parameter public access at true.
Then, in order to access anonymously to Silverpeas, the following steps have to be done: