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        <li id="publishDate" class="pull-right"><span class="divider">|</span> Last Published: 2025-02-27</li>
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<h2><a name="Frequently_Asked_Questions"></a><a name="top">Frequently Asked Questions</a></h2>
<p><b>Silverpeas Licensing FAQ</b></p>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
<li><a href="#whymove">
        Why move to GPL?
<li><a href="#whichversion">
        Which version of the GPL are you using?
<li><a href="#doesthismakeiteasier">
        Does this make it easier to include Silverpeas in open source projects?
<li><a href="#doesgplconflict">
        Does GPL conflict with Apache-licensed  code. Given that Silverpeas
        incorporates Apache-licensed code (Spring,  Lucene, and others), can
        Silverpeas license this code as GPL?
<li><a href="#howwillgpl">
        How will GPL affect my current use of Silverpeas as a licensed (paid or unpaid) user?
<li><a href="#ourcompany">
        company has a strict policy against use of GPL software. What will  I
        need to communicate to our Legal Department on our use of Silverpeas?
<li><a href="#silverpeaspartner">
        How will GPL affect my current use of Silverpeas as an Silverpeas partner?
<li><a href="#specificsolutions">
        Our company markets  specific solutions built on top of Silverpeas.
        What are the implications  of moving to GPL for our solution offers?
<li><a href="#oemlicense">
        Our company has executed an OEM license for Silverpeas for use as an
        embedded component of our overall solution. What are the implications
        of a move to GPL for us?
<li><a href="#currentuse">
        How will GPL affect my current use of Silverpeas?
<li><a href="#flossexception">
        What is the FLOSS exception? Does it apply to me and what does it provide for?
<li><a href="#model">
        Is there a precedent for this licensing model?
<li><a href="#embeds">
        What happens if a popular open source project embeds and distributes Silverpeas. Is
        this allowable under the FLOSS exception?
<li><a href="#marketdev">
        How does this change in Silverpeas&#x2019;s license model fit within the overall
        market development of open source business applications?
<li><a href="#policies">
        Will Silverpeas ever change its licensing policies again?
<li><a href="#addinfo">
        Where can I get additional information on Silverpeas 5.x and Silverpeas licensing?
<h2><a name="Silverpeas_Licensing_FAQ"></a>Silverpeas Licensing FAQ</h2>
<dt><a name="whymove">
        Why move to GPL?
<p> Silverpeas feels strongly that the future of software is open
          source. Not  a little open source mixed with a lot of proprietary
          source. Free and  open source software. It is open source, not hybrid
          models that will  drive true disruption in the software industry, with
          greater value  created for and by end-users.
<p> The GNU General Public License  (&#x201c;GPL&#x201d;) is the ideal license to
          drive forward this industry disruption.  The GPL ensures that no vendor &#x2013;
          including Silverpeas &#x2013; can control a  customer&#x2019;s content. The GPL also
          provides the maximum assurance that  the open source community and not,
          ultimately, Silverpeas, protects  investments in our code.
<p> We plan to be in business for a long  time, but wanted a license
          that guarantees our users that Silverpeas, the  code, will always be
          bigger and more enduring than Silverpeas, the  company. This enables our
          community to invest in the Silverpeas code with  maximum confidence
          that the investment will grow over time, and not be  wasted.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="whichversion">
        Which version of the GPL are you using?
<p> You may be aware that some licensors who use GPL allow their code
          to be  licensed under the current version of GPL or &#x201c;any later version.&#x201d;
          This  means that the code may be accepted by a licensee under the
          current  version (which is now version 3) and any later version released
          by the  Free Software Foundation, and the licensor may be bound by
          either sets  of terms, depending on the choice of the licensee. Some
          other GPL  projects, like the Linux projects, use a single version of
          GPL. We have  decided to follow the lead of Linux on this point.
<p> Until the end of 2007, our code was under GPL version 2. As in November
          2007, the final release of GPL version 3 was finalized and
          released, we took some time for reviewing the terms of the new version
          before taking any decision.
          Our decision was taken and from that date our code is now under GPL version 3.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="doesthismakeiteasier">
        Does this make it easier to include Silverpeas in open source projects?
<p> Yes, it does. Especially when you take into account our FLOSS
          Exception. Silverpeas&#x2019;s GPL + FLOSS Exception policy gives the open
          source development community the world&#x2019;s best content www with  freedom
          to embed it in other projects, from Drupal to Jasper Reports  to&#x2026;you
          name it. In summary, the Silverpeas FLOSS Exception enables  software
          provided under existing OSI-approved open source licenses to
          incorporate the Silverpeas Community software without having to license
          the entire software package under the terms of the GPL. We prefer the
          GPL, but you may not &#x2013; if you&#x2019;re an open source-licensed project, we
          give you additional choice. Please see our
          <a href="floss_exception.html">FLOSS Exception</a> page for more details.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="doesgplconflict">
        Does GPL conflict with Apache-licensed  code. Given that Silverpeas
        incorporates Apache-licensed code (Spring,  Lucene, and others), can
        Silverpeas license this code as GPL?
<p> First off, this alleged incompatibility only applies to Silverpeas
          Community, which is licensed under the GPL. Those using Silverpeas
          Enterprise get our software under a Commercial License, so they do not
          have to worry about this at all.
<p> As for Silverpeas Community  (GPLv3 license) and its incorporation
          of Apache-licensed software, there is no incompatibility. The incompatibility
          exists only for the use both of GPLv2 code and of Apache-licensed code.
          Any GPLv3 project can include Apache-licensed code. The incompatibility raised only
          with the inclusion of GPLv3-licenced code into Apache-licenced project.
          For more information about the compatibility between the two licenses,
          please consult <a class="externalLink" href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/GPL-compatibility.html">this page about the concern</a>.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="howwillgpl">
        How will GPL affect my current use of Silverpeas as a licensed (paid or unpaid) user?
<p> Regardless of whether you&#x2019;re a paid (Silverpeas Enterprise) or
          unpaid  (Silverpeas Community) licensee, this license change will not
          affect your  use of any software you received from us prior to February
          20, 2007.
<p> With the move to the GPL, your use will be affected depending on what kind of Silverpeas user you are:</p>
<li> Silverpeas Community Users. Our re-licensing will not affect
            your rights  in code you have accepted under the modified MPL prior to
            February  2007. If you accepted code under that license, you can still
            use it  under that license. However, if you download an update from us
            of after  the February 2007 release of Silverpeas Community 2.0, the
            update will be  covered by the GPL plus
            <a href="floss_exception.html">FLOSS exception</a>.
<li>Silverpeas  Enterprise Users. We provide our paid Silverpeas
            Enterprise customers  with a Commercial License. So, in short, it will
            not affect you at all.  While we are strong advocates of open source
            licensing, we recognize  that some amongst our customers and partners
            may have different license  requirements. Our Commercial Licensing is
            designed to meet these  different needs for our paid customers. Our
            licensing change applies  only to our Silverpeas Community product.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="ourcompany">
        company has a strict policy against use of GPL software. What will  I
        need to communicate to our Legal Department on our use of Silverpeas?
<p> First off, we would encourage you to  try the demo of Silverpeas (see
          <a class="externalLink" href="http://www.silverpeas.com/form_fr.jsp">Silverpeas demo/</a>.
          It is the same code that we ship with Silverpeas  , but is more
          rigorously tested, has full production and  development support, is
          certified to work with leading third-party  software (databases,
          application servers, etc.), and comes with  improved documentation,
          immediate bug fixes, and other benefits. We  deliver it to you under a
          Commercial License, a license that we extend  when you decide to
          purchase an Silverpeas Enterprise Subscription. In  short, you can use
          Silverpeas Enterprise without worrying about the GPL,  if you&#x2019;re
          concerned about it. (We prefer the GPL, but you may not, so  we give you
          choice if you&#x2019;re a paid subscriber.)
<p> Your company  probably instituted its policy about GPL software
          for one of two  reasons: infringement risk and copyleft concerns. Some
          companies want  to be sure that every bit of software in the enterprise
          is backed by  warranties. If this is the case, you will need to use our
          Commercial  License (Silverpeas Enterprise). But most companies are more
          concerned  about copyleft requirements -- which is the word used to
          describe the  requirement in the GPL that redistribution must only take
          place under  GPL terms. If that is the issue, you may or may not need
          our Commercial  License, depending on what you want to do with our
          software. Please see  our
          <a href="licensing_gnu_affero.html">Licensing Policy page</a> for more information.
<p> If, for whatever reason, you prefer to use Silverpeas Community,
          which is  licensed under the GPL, and you don&#x2019;t plan to redistribute the
          software  (with or without modifications to it), then a commonly
          accepted  industry view is that you may use the software without
          worrying about  needing to release your own source code (the
          modifications to Silverpeas  Community or code you integrate with it) as
          open source software. The  copyleft requirements of the GPL are only
          triggered upon distribution.  It is therefore commonly understood that
          only when you distribute the  software outside your organization would
          you would need to release your  modifications under the GPL. This is not
          legal advice from Silverpeas,  however &#x2013; you should seek competent
          legal counsel to best guide you in  this matter.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="silverpeaspartner">
        How will GPL affect my current use of Silverpeas as an Silverpeas partner?
<p> All Silverpeas partners work with and distribute Silverpeas.  Your
          rights and responsibilities are completely unchanged by this  license
          change, which only affects Silverpeas  users.
<p> If you are not an official partner and have been distributing
          Silverpeas, you will need to abide by the rights and restrictions of the
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="specificsolutions">
        Our company markets  specific solutions built on top of Silverpeas.
        What are the implications  of moving to GPL for our solution offers?
<p> If you are an  official Silverpeas partner using Silverpeas
          Enterprise, there are no  implications whatsoever to our license change.
          You will keep exercising  your Commercial License to Silverpeas
          Enterprise, which will have terms  mutually agreed upon between
          Silverpeas and you.
<p> If you are not  an official Silverpeas partner and are combining
          Silverpeas with open  source-licensed software consistent with our FLOSS
          Exception, you will  need to abide by the terms of our
          <a href="floss_exception.html">FLOSS Exception</a> for any derivative works.
<p> If you are not an official Silverpeas partner and are combining
          Silverpeas  with proprietary software or open source-licensed software
          that is not  consistent with our FLOSS Exception, you will need talk to
          us about a  Commercial License or license your software under the GPL.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="oemlicense">
        Our company has executed an OEM license for Silverpeas for use as an
        embedded component of our overall solution. What are the implications
        of a move to GPL for us?
<p> As an official Silverpeas partner,  you are using our software
          under a Commercial License. This change will not affect you in any way.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="currentuse">
        How will GPL affect my current use of Silverpeas?
<p> You will need to abide by the GPL modified by our FLOSS Exception
          if  you upgrade to a new release of Silverpeas. If you prefer to  remain
          with a previous version of the software licensed under the MPL +
          Attribution (our
          <a href="licensing_gnu_affero.html">Silverpeas Public License</a>), you will need to continue to abide by the terms of that license.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="flossexception">
        What is the FLOSS exception? Does it apply to me and what does it provide for?
<p> Silverpeas&#x2019;s
          <a href="floss_exception.html">FLOSS Exception</a>
          allows specified Free/Libre and Open Source Software (&quot;FLOSS&quot;) software
          to be able to use specified GPL-licensed Silverpeas software despite
          the  fact that some of these other FLOSS licenses are not compatible
          with  GPL. It is a way of allowing specified open source-licensed
          software  projects to integrate with Silverpeas without having to change
          the  license covering their projects to GPL.
<p> The Silverpeas FLOSS  Exception is only relevant to licensees
          wishing to integrate the  Silverpeas Community software with other open
          source-licensed projects.  Please visit our
          <a href="licensing_gnu_affero.html">Licensing Policy</a> page for more details.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="model">
        Is there a precedent for this licensing model?
<p> Yes. MySQL and others have used FLOSS exceptions for some time.
          They  are increasingly common in the software industry as a way to
          provide  all the benefits of the GPL while allowing GPL-licensed
          software to  integrate well with other open source-licensed projects,
          which might  otherwise not be integrated due to license incompatibility.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="embeds">
        What happens if a popular open source project embeds and distributes Silverpeas. Is
        this allowable under the FLOSS exception?
<p> If an open source project is licensed under one of the specified licenses in
          <a href="floss_exception.html">Silverpeas&#x2019;s FLOSS Exception</a>,
          then it may embed GPL-licensed Silverpeas software without requiring
          its  software to also be licensed under the GPL. Please review the
          Silverpeas  FLOSS Exception to ensure you are in compliance.
<p> As a  potential Silverpeas customer, why would I choose to license
          Silverpeas  directly from you rather then take the embedded offering
          from an  existing open source vendor?
<p> This depends on what you are  seeking. It may well be that the
          embedded offering, or its equivalent,  is not available from Silverpeas.
          This is one of the wonderful things  about open source: the community
          has theoretically unlimited resources  to tailor the Silverpeas version
          of the software to a diverse set of  needs. We help to start or continue
          &#x201c;the content management  conversation&#x201d; with Silverpeas &#x2013; we don&#x2019;t
          expect to be the complete  conversation.
<p> However, for those looking for Silverpeas  Enterprise &#x2013; certified,
          rigorously tested, and supported software with  access to the vibrant
          and growing Silverpeas Network &#x2013; this is only  available from Silverpeas
          or one of our official partners.
<p> The choice is yours.</p>
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="marketdev">
        How does this change in Silverpeas&#x2019;s license model fit within the overall
        market development of open source business applications?
<p> The  software industry is dividing into two camps: monolithic,
          proprietary  stacks (where vendors seek to provide an end-to-end
          solution for all  computing needs) and best-of-breed, open source and
          open standards  stacks. We are part of this latter camp, and believe
          open source offers  customers unparalleled choice, cost savings, and
          exceptional software.  While much of the open source software
          applications market is still  stuck &#x201c;half-way&#x201d; between proprietary and
          open source software, we  believe that we are on the front-end of a
          growing trend toward greater  openness in software licensing, and thus
          greater benefits for  customers.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="policies">
        Will Silverpeas ever change its licensing policies again?
<p> Over time, we may need to streamline our licensing policies to
          respond  to developer needs and to ensure the stability and commercial
          viability  of our products. Any changes to our policy will be posted on
          our  website. But of course, if we change our policy, and you have
          received  a license to our code under our free licensing terms, that
          will not  terminate the rights you have already been granted. Any
          changes will  only apply going forward to new releases of our code.
      <hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="addinfo">
        Where can I get additional information on Silverpeas 5.x and Silverpeas licensing?
<p>Please visit our
          <a class="externalLink" href="http://www.silverpeas.com/">Products page</a> for information on Silverpeas 5.x . You can find our licensing information
          <a href="licensing_gnu_affero.html">here</a>.
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