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class="divider">|</span> Last Published: 2025-02-27</li> <li id="projectVersion" class="pull-right">Version: 6.4.2</li> </ul> </div> </header> <main id="bodyColumn" > <section> <h2><a name="Frequently_Asked_Questions"></a><a name="top">Frequently Asked Questions</a></h2> <p><b>Technical Administration</b></p> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li><a href="#jboss"> JBoss is listening only on <b>localhost</b>. How do I configure the binding address(es) ? </a></li> <li><a href="#jboss-ssl-port"> How do I configure the default SSL port for JBoss ? </a></li> <li><a href="#jboss-win-service"> How do I install JBoss as a Windows service ? </a></li> <li><a href="#macosx"> On my Mac OS X I can't access a local Silverpeas installation. </a></li> <li><a href="#hornetq"> JBoss Hornet Q won't start with AIO library ? </a></li> <li><a href="#jcr"> How to fix a corrupted JCR ? </a></li> <li><a href="#Upgrade"> How do I upgrade my Silverpeas installation ? </a></li> <li><a href="#dad-config"> How do I configure the maximum size for an uploaded file ? </a></li> <li><a href="#files-workflow"> How do I restore files sent into a workflow ? </a></li> <li><a href="#silverpeas-log"> How to configure Silverpeas to use rolling log files? </a></li> <li><a href="#config-persistence"> How do I keep my specific properties configuration ? </a></li></ol> <p><b>Configuration</b></p> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li><a href="#csv-import"> What is the format of the CSV file for importing users in Silverpeas ? </a></li> <li><a href="#unactivate-publication-stars"> How do I unactivate the display of the importance of a publication (the stars) in <b>Theme Tracker</b> ? </a></li> <li><a href="#how-to-setup-default-language"> How do I put all of Silverpeas in <b>English</b> ? </a></li> <li><a href="#anonymous-access"> How to put accessible some applications in Silverpeas by anyone without requiring an authentication? </a></li></ol></section><section> <h2><a name="Technical_Administration"></a>Technical Administration</h2> <dl> <dt><a name="jboss"> JBoss is listening only on <b>localhost</b>. How do I configure the binding address(es) ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Symptoms:</p> <ul> <li>You can only reach Silverpeas using <i>localhost</i> or <i></i>.</li> </ul> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li>Stop Silverpeas.</li> <li>Edit the file <i>silverpeas_start_jboss.sh</i> or<i>silverpeas_start_jboss.cmd</i> and on the last line append <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">-b</pre></div> before the <b>-c</b>. </li> <li>Restart Silverpeas</li> </ol> <p>Jboss should be listening on every IP address.</p> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="jboss-ssl-port"> How do I configure the default SSL port for JBoss ? </a></dt> <dd> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li>Stop Silverpeas.</li> <li>Edit your specific properties configuration file (i.e. <i>CustomerSettings.xml</i>, see below) and append <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint"> <fileset root="${JBOSS_CONF}/bindingservice.beans/META-INF/"> <xmlfile name="bindings-jboss-beans.xml"> <parameter key="/deployment/bean[@name='StandardBindings']//bean[property = 'HttpsConnector']" mode="update"> <value location="property[@name='port']">${JBOSS_SSL_LISTEN_PORT}</value> </parameter> </xmlfile> </fileset></pre></div> as a <b>silverpeas-settings</b> tag child. </li> <li>Configure JBOSS_SSL_LISTEN_PORT in $SILVERPEAS_HOME/setup/settings/config.properties. For example : <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">JBOSS_SSL_LISTEN_PORT=8443</pre></div></li> <li>Launch SilverpeasSettings script (.bat or .sh)</li> <li>Restart Silverpeas</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Warning</strong> : this is not enabling a SSL connector. For this purpose, you still need to uncomment the SSL connector in JBoss server.xml</p> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="jboss-win-service"> How do I install JBoss as a Windows service ? </a></dt> <dd> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li>Stop Silverpeas.</li> <li>Edit $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.conf.bat. Add an empty ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS variable, initialize PROFILE variable and add the <em>-server</em> option at the first JAVA_OPTS line : <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">rem # these variables will be set by SilverpeasSettings script <strong>set ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS= set PROFILE=default</strong> rem # JVM memory allocation pool parameters - modify as appropriate. Memory params will be set by SilverpeasSettings script set "JAVA_OPTS=<strong>-server</strong> -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"</pre></div> </li> <li>You can customize service name, display name and description by editing SVCNAME, SVCDISP and SVCDESC in $JBOSS_HOME/bin/service.bat. For example : <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">if "x%SVCNAME%" == "x" ( set "SVCNAME=Silverpeas" ) set SVCDISP=Silverpeas X.X set SVCDESC=Silverpeas X.X on a JBoss Application Server 6.1.0</pre></div> </li> <li>Edit your specific properties configuration file (i.e. <i>CustomerSettings.xml</i>, see below) so that the SilverpeasSettings script update some parameters (Java options and JBoss profile) in the same way as start/debug commands. Append : <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint"> <fileset root="${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/"> <textfile name="run.conf.bat"> <parameter key="-Xms[0-9]+m" use-regex="true">-Xms${RAM_MIN}m</parameter> <parameter key="-Xmx[0-9]+m" use-regex="true">-Xmx${RAM_MAX}m</parameter> <parameter key="-XX:MaxPermSize=[0-9]+m" use-regex="true">-XX:MaxPermSize=${PERMSIZE_MAX}m</parameter> <parameter key="PROFILE=[a-zA-Z]+" use-regex="true">PROFILE=${JBOSS_SERVER_PROFILE}</parameter> <parameter key="ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS=.*" use-regex="true">ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS=${JAVA_OPTS}</parameter> </textfile> </fileset></pre></div> as a <b>silverpeas-settings</b> tag child. </li> <li>Launch SilverpeasSettings script (.bat or .sh)</li> <li>Install service : <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">cd /d %JBOSS_HOME%\bin service.bat install</pre></div> </li> <li>Silverpeas can now be launched as a service</li> </ol> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="macosx"> On my Mac OS X I can't access a local Silverpeas installation. </a></dt> <dd> <p>Symptoms:</p> <ul> <li>My Mac doesn't resolve <i>localhost</i> or <i></i> when offline.</li> </ul> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li>Stop Silverpeas.</li> <li>Execute the foloowing command: <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">sudo ifconfig en0 alias</pre></div>. </li> <li>Restart Silverpeas</li> </ol> <p>You should be able to resolve <b>localhost</b> on your Mac now.</p> <p>Thanks to Galder Zamarreño for the answer (<a class="externalLink" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7892609/inetaddress-getlocalhost-resolution-on-osx-lion-when-offline">InetAddress.getLocalHost() resolution on OSX Lion when offline</a>)</p> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="hornetq"> JBoss Hornet Q won't start with AIO library ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Symptoms:</p> <ul> <li>Silverpeas doesn't start.</li> <li>You have something like this in the <i>boot.log</i> </li> </ul> <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint"> ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=JMSServerManager state=Create: HornetQException[errorCode=205 message=Can't open file] at org.hornetq.core.asyncio.impl.AsynchronousFileImpl.init(Native Method) [:] at org.hornetq.core.asyncio.impl.AsynchronousFileImpl.open(AsynchronousFileImpl.java:206) [:] </pre></div> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li>Stop Silverpeas.</li> <li>Edit the file <i>hornetq-configuration.xml</i> adding just before the closing tag <b>"configuration"</b> : <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint"><journal-type>NIO</journal-type> </pre></div> </li> <li>Restart Silverpeas</li> <li>Check the logs for verifying that the fix is done.</li> </ol> <p>Jboss should be ok.</p> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="jcr"> How to fix a corrupted JCR ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Symptoms:</p> <ul> <li>Silverpeas doesn't start.</li> <li>You have something like this in the <i>traces.txt</i> </li> </ul> <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint"> ERROR : failed to read bundle: b623a49a-d944-4f33-9412-efca41c7a75f: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid namespace index: 11 ERROR : Node /attachments/kmelia76/Attachment/Images/4825 (ac61b0c4-1b92-429d-b695-f62950e73627) has missing child 'Cahier de gestion de l Education juin 2010.xls' (b623a49a-d944-4f33-9412-efca41c7a75f) ERROR : Failed to initialize workspace 'jackrabbit' javax.jcr.RepositoryException: Error indexing workspace: Error indexing workspace: Error indexing workspace </pre></div> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li>Stop Silverpeas.</li> <li>Edit the file <i>repository.xml</i> adding into the section <b>"PersistenceManager"</b> : <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint"><param name="consistencyCheck" value="true" /> <param name="consistencyFix" value="true" /> </pre></div> </li> <li> Comment the section <b>"SearchIndex"</b> </li> <li>Restart Silverpeas</li> <li>Check the traces for verifying that the fix is done.</li> <li>Stop Silverpeas and put the file <i>repository.xml</i> into its previous state. </li> </ol> <p>The JCR should be ok.</p> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="Upgrade"> How do I upgrade my Silverpeas installation ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Edit the file <i>$SILVERPEAS_HOME/bin/pom.xml</i> and change the version value (fort example, use 5.3.). <br /></br> In order to know the last available version got to <a class="externalLink" href="http://www.silverpeas.org/redmine/projects/silverpeas/roadmap?completed=1&with_subprojects=0&with_subprojects=1">http://www.silverpeas.org/redmine/projects/silverpeas/roadmap?completed=1&with_subprojects=0&with_subprojects=1</a>. </p> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="dad-config"> How do I configure the maximum size for an uploaded file ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>The maximum size for an uploaded file is configured in the file <i>${SILVERPEAS_HOME}/properties/org/silverpeas/util/uploads/uploadSettings</i>. You have to change the value for the key </p> <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">MaximumFileSize</pre></div> with a size expressed in bytes. <br /></br> For example to limit the size of an uploaded file to 15 Mo, the value should be (15 x 1024 x 1024) : <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">MaximumFileSize=15728640</pre></div> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="files-workflow"> How do I restore files sent into a workflow ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>The files are stored in the directory </p> <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">${SILVERPEAS_DATA_HOME}/data/workspaces/Attachment</pre></div> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="silverpeas-log"> How to configure Silverpeas to use rolling log files? </a></dt> <dd> <p>The file <i>traces.txt</i> can grow significally. You can use a rolling file for the logs. <br /></br> This can be achieved by configuring the <b>Silvertrace</b>. <br /></br> Edit the file <i>${SILVERPEAS_HOME}/silvertrace/rootModule.properties</i> and configure like this : <br /></br> </p> <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint"> appender0.enabled=true appender0.type=APPENDER_ROLLING_FILE appender0.module=root appender0.layout=LAYOUT_DETAILED appender0.fileName=@ErrorDir@/traces.txt appender0.rollingMode=ROLLING_MODE_WEEK </pre></div> <p> Thus the file <i>traces.txt</i> will be renammed each week. </p> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="config-persistence"> How do I keep my specific properties configuration ? </a></dt> <dd> <p> You must pay attention not to manually change properties because you will lose them when you will upgrade Silverpeas.<br /></br> Silverpeas provides an XML file called "CustomerSettings.xml" which is dedicated to that.<br /></br> this file located in $SILVERPEAS_HOME/setup/settings contains all the specific settings.<br /></br> In the extract of this file below you will see how to change a simple properties file such as an XML configuration file. <br /></br> </p> <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <silverpeas-settings product="Custom"> <!-- simple properties file --> <!-- Change the property userSessionTimeout inside ${SILVERPEAS_HOME}/properties/org/silverpeas/peasCore/SessionManager.properties file --> <fileset root="${SILVERPEAS_HOME}/properties/org/silverpeas/peasCore/"> <!-- Path of the properties file is <configfile name="SessionManager.properties"> <!-- Change the session timeout in minute --> <parameter key="adminSessionTimeout">360</parameter> <parameter key="userSessionTimeout">180</parameter> </configfile> </fileset> <!-- XML properties file --> <!-- Change the XPath attribute "value" inside ${SILVERPEAS_DATA_HOME}/workflowRepository/myWorkflow.xml file --> <fileset root="${SILVERPEAS_DATA_HOME}/workflowRepository/"> <xmlfile name="myWorkflow.xml"> <parameter key="/processModel/actions/action[@name='Archiver']/consequences/consequence/triggers/trigger/param[@name='targetComponentId']" mode="update"> <value location="@value">kmeliaXXX</value> </parameter> </xmlfile> </fileset> <!-- Copy file from ${SILVERPEAS_HOME}/path/to/source.txt to ${SILVERPEAS_DATA_HOME}/path/to/target.txt --> <fileset root="${SILVERPEAS_HOME}/path/to/"> <copyfile name="source.txt">${SILVERPEAS_DATA_HOME}/path/to/target.txt</copyfile> </fileset> </silverpeas-settings> </pre></div> Be careful that all the paths are case sensitive (XPath and file Path).<br /></br> </dd></dl></section><section> <h2><a name="Configuration"></a>Configuration</h2> <dl> <dt><a name="csv-import"> What is the format of the CSV file for importing users in Silverpeas ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>The format is :</p> <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">LastName;FirstName;Login;Email;Profile(Ex: Admin, AdminPdc, AdminDomain, User, Guest);Password</pre></div> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="unactivate-publication-stars"> How do I unactivate the display of the importance of a publication (the stars) in <b>Theme Tracker</b> ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>This can be done by editing the value of <b>showImportance</b> in the file <i>$SILVERPEAS_HOME/properties/org/silverpeas/kmelia/settings/kmeliaSettings.properties</i>. The accepted values are : </p> <ul> <li>yes : activated</li> <li>no : desactivated</li> </ul> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="how-to-setup-default-language"> How do I put all of Silverpeas in <b>English</b> ? </a></dt> <dd> <p>There are two kinds of languages in Silverpeas : one for content and one for displaying the portal.<br /></br> Thus you have two files to edit : <b>showImportance</b> in the file <i>$SILVERPEAS_HOME/properties/org/silverpeas/kmelia/settings/kmeliaSettings.properties</i>. The accepted values are : </p> <ul> <li> <i>org.silverpeas.personalizationPeas.settings.personalizationPeasSettings.properties</i> : the key <b>DefaultLanguage</b> defines the default language for new users.</li> <li> <i>org.silverpeas.util.i18n.properties</i> : the key <b>languages</b> defines the languages of the content.</li> </ul> <hr /></dd> <dt><a name="anonymous-access"> How to put accessible some applications in Silverpeas by anyone without requiring an authentication? </a></dt> <dd> <p>First, the applications having to be accessed by anyone must have their parameter <i>public access</i> at true.</p> <p>Then, in order to access anonymously to Silverpeas, the following steps have to be done:</p> <ul> <li>Create a guest user with <i>guest</i> as both login and password and keep in mind the internal identifier of the newly created user;</li> <li>Update the configuration file <i>$SILVERPEAS_HOME/properties/org/silverpeas/lookAndFeel/generalLook.properties</i> as follow: <ul> <li>Set the value of the parameter <i>loginPage</i> with the value <i>loginAuto.jsp</i>;</li> <li>Set the value of the parameter <i>anonymousId</i> with the internal identifier of the guest user.</li> </ul> </li> <li>restart Silverpeas</li> </ul> </dd></dl></section> </main> </div> <hr/> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="license"> <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Licence Creative Commons" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a>. </div> </div> <p id="poweredBy" class="pull-right"><a href="https://netbeans.apache.org/download/index.html" title="IDEA IntelliJ" class="builtBy"><img class="builtBy" alt="IDEA IntelliJ" src="images/logos/intellij-idea-logo.png" style="" /></a> <a href="https://www.eclipse.org" title="Eclipse" class="builtBy"><img class="builtBy" alt="Eclipse" src="images/logos/logo_eclipse.png" style="" /></a> <a href="https://maven.apache.org/" title="Maven" class="builtBy"><img class="builtBy" alt="Maven" src="images/logos/logo_maven.png" style="" /></a> <a href="https://izpack.org/" title="Izpack" class="builtBy"><img class="builtBy" alt="Izpack" src="images/logos/logo_izPack.png" style="" /></a> </p> </div> </footer> <script> if(anchors) { anchors.add(); } </script> </body> </html>