import java.util.regex.Matcher /** * Pipeline to construct and to release a build version of Silverpeas. It is made up of * Silverpeas-Core, Silverpeas-Components, and Silverpeas-Looks, and no more. A distribution of the * build version of Silverpeas is eventually published. Each successful build version of Silverpeas * in which tests and QA weren't skipped is a candidate for a release of a stable version. * * This pipeline triggers at the end of the job the following pipelines: * - 'Silverpeas Test Image' to publish a Docker image of the build version of Silverpeas for * testing purpose, * - 'Silverpeas Project Web Site Publisher' to publish the community web site of Silverpeas * up-to-date with the build version of Silverpeas ready to be downloaded. The documentation * of the projects that made Silverpeas aren't generated by the job. * * This pipeline expects the following environment variable to be set: * STABLE_BRANCH the SCM branch in which the current stable version of the project is currently * maintained * * This pipeline is expected to be used in a Jenkins job named * '[ANY WORD]_[TYPE_BRANCH]_[ANY WORD]' with TYPE_BRANCH being set with one of the below value: * - 'Master' for the main development branch (in which the next major or minor version is in * working) * - 'Stable' for the current stable branch (in which the next patch version is in working) * - A branch name for older stable branches (id est the name of that old stable branch) * With this convention and the expected environment variables above, the pipeline can then figure * out the Docker image to use and the SCM branch to fetch for the job. * * This pipeline is based upon the existence of a Jenkins job named * 'Silverpeas_Project_Definition_AutoDeploy' that has produced a build version of the Silverpeas * Project POM used as POM parent for all Silverpeas projects in development. It will fetch from it * the job result report in order to compute some parameters required by this pipeline and to check * if the POM parent of each projects built in this job have to be updated. * * The job is performed within a dedicated Docker image in order to ensure the reproducibility of * the builds and to containerize them from the host OS. * * This pipeline requires the following parameters: * SKIP_TEST (optional) a boolean indicating if the execution of the test should be skipped. * SKIP_QUALITY (optional) a boolean indicating if the execution of the quality analysis should be * skipped. False by default. */ // versions of the Docker image to use with the different SCM branch names of the projects def imageVersions = [ '6.1.x' : '6.1', '6.2.x' : '6.2.1', '6.3.x' : '6.3.3', '6.4.x' : '6.4', 'master' : 'latest' ] String branch = fetchBranchFromJobName() String imageVersion = getDockerImageVersion(imageVersions, branch) // projects making Silverpeas to build def projects = [ core : 'Silverpeas-Core', components : 'Silverpeas-Components', looks : 'Silverpeas-Looks', setup : 'Silverpeas-Setup', distribution: 'Silverpeas-Distribution', assembly : 'Silverpeas-Assembly'] pipeline { agent { docker { image "silverpeas/silverbuild:${imageVersion}" args ''' -v $HOME/.m2/settings.xml:/home/silverbuild/.m2/settings.xml -v $HOME/.m2/settings-security.xml:/home/silverbuild/.m2/settings-security.xml -v $HOME/.gitconfig:/home/silverbuild/.gitconfig -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/silverbuild/.ssh -v $HOME/.gnupg:/home/silverbuild/.gnupg ''' } } // parameters to speed up the build: by disabling the test execution and the code quality // analysis. For build from which a release candidate version has to be built, this // shouldn't be used. parameters { booleanParam( defaultValue: false, description: 'Flag indicating if the execution of the tests should be skipped', name: 'SKIP_TEST' ) booleanParam( defaultValue: false, description: 'Indicates whether the code quality analysis have to be skipped', name: 'SKIP_QUALITY' ) } environment { nexusReleaseRepo = '' nexusBuildRepo = '' gitBaseRepo = '' gitCredential = 'cacc0467-7c85-41d1-bf4e-eaa470dd5e59' buildNumber = (new Date()).format('yyMMdd') parentVersion = '' buildVersion = '' previousBuildVersion = '' release = '' wildflyVersion = '' commits = null // the commit of each project once their build done artifact = 'target/build.yaml' changes = null } stages { stage('Prepare the job') { steps { sh "curl -fsSL -o pom.xml${branch}/pom.xml" script { def pom = readMavenPom() release =['next.release'] buildVersion = "${release}-build${buildNumber}" parentVersion = pom.parent.version commits = [:] changes = [:] sh 'rm -f pom.xml' } } } stage('Check POM parent version') { when { expression { branch == 'master' && (parentVersion.contains('build') || parentVersion.contains('SNAPSHOT')) } } steps { copyArtifacts projectName: 'Silverpeas_Project_Definition_AutoDeploy', flatten: true script { def parentBuild = readYaml file: 'build.yaml' String isReleased = sh returnStatus: true, script: "curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail -r 0-0 ${nexusReleaseRepo}/org/silverpeas/silverpeas-project/${parentBuild.release}/silverpeas-project-${parentBuild.release}.pom" parentVersion = isReleased == "0" ? parentBuild.release : parentBuild.version wildflyVersion = parentBuild.wildfly sh 'rm -f build.yaml' } } } stage('Checkout projects and check code changes') { steps { script { def type = getBranchType(branch) copyArtifacts projectName: "Silverpeas_${type}_AutoDeploy", flatten: true, selector: lastSuccessful() def previousBuild = readYaml file: 'build.yaml' previousBuildVersion = previousBuild.version projects.each { project -> dir(project.value) { git credentialsId: gitCredential, branch: branch, url: "${gitBaseRepo}/${project.value}" if (fileExists('pom.xml')) { def pom = readMavenPom() if (pom.parent) { checkPOMParent(pom, [ project: project, parentVersion: parentVersion, branch: branch ]) } } changes[project.value] = hasSomeChange(project.value, previousBuild.commits[project.value]) changes.any = changes[project.value] || changes.any } if (!changes.any) { echo 'Build skipped due to no changes have been done since the last build' } } } } } stage('Build Silverpeas') { when { expression { changes.any } } stages { stage('Build Silverpeas-Core') { steps { dir(projects.core) { buildMavenProject project: projects.core, branch: branch, full: changes[projects.core], version: buildVersion, parentVersion: parentVersion runSonarAnalysis project: projects.core + '2', branch: branch, change: changes[projects.core] } } } stage('Build Silverpeas-Components') { steps { dir(projects.components) { buildMavenProject project: projects.components, branch: branch, full: changes[projects.components], version: buildVersion, parentVersion: parentVersion runSonarAnalysis project: projects.components, branch: branch, change: changes[projects.components] } } } stage('Build Silverpeas-Assembly') { steps { dir(projects.assembly) { script { def pom = readMavenPom() checkJackRabbitVersion(['jackrabbit.version']) } buildMavenProject project: projects.assembly, branch: branch, full: true, version: buildVersion, parentVersion: parentVersion } } } stage('Build Silverpeas Setup') { steps { dir(projects.setup) { sh """ sed -i -e "s/version = '.\\+'/version = '${buildVersion}'/g" build.gradle ./gradlew clean build test publishToMavenLocal """ } } } stage('Build Silverpeas Distribution') { steps { dir(projects.distribution) { buildMavenProject project: projects.distribution, full: true, branch: branch, version: buildVersion } } } stage('Build Silverpeas-Looks') { steps { dir(projects.looks) { buildMavenProject project: projects.looks, branch: branch, full: changes[projects.looks], version: buildVersion, parentVersion: parentVersion runSonarAnalysis project: projects.looks, branch: branch, change: changes[projects.looks] } } } stage('Publish Silverpeas-Core') { steps { dir(projects.core) { publishMavenProject projects.core } } } stage('Publish Silverpeas-Components') { steps { dir(projects.components) { publishMavenProject projects.components } } } stage('Publish Silverpeas-Assembly') { steps { dir(projects.assembly) { publishMavenProject projects.assembly } } } stage('Publish Silverpeas-Setup') { steps { dir(projects.setup) { sh """ sed -i -e "s/${nexusReleaseRepo.replace('/', '\\\\/')}/${nexusBuildRepo.replace('/', '\\\\/')}/g" build.gradle ./gradlew publish """ script { final String commit = sh script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true commits[projects.setup] = commit.trim() } } } } stage('Publish Silverpeas-Distribution') { steps { dir(projects.distribution) { publishMavenProject projects.distribution } } } stage('Publish Silverpeas-Looks') { steps { dir(projects.looks) { publishMavenProject projects.looks } } } stage('Publish Community Web Site') { when { expression { branch == 'master' && changes.any } } steps { build job: 'Silverpeas Project Web Site Publisher', parameters: [ string(name: 'SILVERPEAS_VERSION', value: buildVersion), ], wait: false } } } } stage('Create YAML build report') { steps { script { sh 'mkdir -p target' if (changes.any) { sh 'rm -f build.yaml' writeYaml file: artifact, data: ['version': buildVersion, 'parent' : parentVersion, 'release': release, 'commits': commits, 'tested' : !params.SKIP_TEST, 'QA' : !params.SKIP_QUALITY] } else { sh 'mv build.yaml target/' } } } } } post { success { script { currentBuild.displayName = changes.any ? buildVersion : previousBuildVersion } archiveArtifacts artifacts: artifact, fingerprint: true sh 'rm -rf target' } always { step([$class : 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients : ',' + ',,' + '', sendToIndividuals : true]) } } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void pushToGithub(project, branch) { withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: gitCredential, usernameVariable: 'GIT_AUTH_USR', passwordVariable: 'GIT_AUTH_PSW')]) { sh 'git config --local credential.helper "!f() { echo username=\\$GIT_AUTH_USR; echo password=\\$GIT_AUTH_PSW; }; f"' sh "git push origin HEAD:$branch" } } void checkPOMParent(pom, args) { if (!pom.parent.version.matches(/[0-9.]+/) && args.parentVersion && pom.parent.version != args.parentVersion) { sh """ mvn -U versions:update-parent -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DparentVersion="[${args.parentVersion}]" git commit -am "Update parent POM to version ${args.parentVersion}" """ pushToGithub(args.project, args.branch) } else if (pom.parent.version.contains('SNAPSHOT')) { error "The parent POM must be at a stable or a build version for this project to be deployed. Current version is ${pom.parent.version}" } } void checkJackRabbitVersion(jackRabbitVersion) { if (jackRabbitVersion != null && jackRabbitVersion.contains('SNAPSHOT')) { error("The Jackrabbit JCA dependency must be a stable or a build version. Current version is ${jackRabbitVersion}") } } boolean hasSomeChange(project, previousCommit) { String currentCommit = sh script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true String commit = currentCommit.trim() echo "${project}: current commit is ${commit} and last build commit is ${previousCommit}" return commit != previousCommit } void buildMavenProject(args) { sh """ sed -i -e "s/[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\\+/${args.version}/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\\+/${args.version}/g" pom.xml mvn -U versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${args.version} """ if (params.SKIP_TEST || !args.full) { sh "mvn clean install -Pdeployment -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcontext=ci" } else if (args.version.startsWith('6.1') || args.version.startsWith('6.2')) { // in these versions, Wildfly is starting directly by each of the integration tests sh "mvn clean install -Pdeployment -Pcoverage -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcontext=ci" } else { sh ''' /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml &> /dev/null & mvn clean install -Pdeployment -Pcoverage -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcontext=ci /opt/wildfly-for-tests/wildfly-*.Final/bin/ --connect :shutdown ''' } } void runSonarAnalysis(args) { // run sonarqube analysis only for the master or stable branch and only tests aren't skipped // for quality checking after some quality issues corrections, the dedicated sonarqube branch in // the Silverpeas code repository can be used if ((args.branch == 'master' || args.branch == env.STABLE_BRANCH) && !params.SKIP_QUALITY) { if (args.change) { String jdkHome = sh(script: 'echo ${SONAR_JDK_HOME}', returnStdout: true).trim() withSonarQubeEnv { sh """ JAVA_HOME=$jdkHome mvn $SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL \\ -Dsonar.projectKey=Silverpeas_$args.project \\ -Dsonar.organization=silverpeas \\$args.branch \\$SONAR_HOST_URL \\ -Dsonar.token=$SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN """ } timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { // Just in case something goes wrong, pipeline will be killed after a timeout def qg = waitForQualityGate() // Reuse taskId previously collected by withSonarQubeEnv if (qg.status != 'OK' && qg.status != 'WARNING') { error "Pipeline aborted due to quality gate failure: ${qg.status}" } } } else { echo "No change since the last analysis for ${args.project}: skip quality analysis" } } } void publishMavenProject(projectName) { sh "mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=silverpeas::default::${nexusBuildRepo} -Pdeployment -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true" final String commit = sh script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true commits[projectName] = commit.trim() } String fetchBranchFromJobName() { Matcher matcher = env.JOB_NAME =~ /.+_([\-a-zA-Z0-9.]+)_.+/ String branch = (matcher.matches() ? matcher[0][1] : '').toLowerCase() if (branch == '') { error 'The Jenkins job is misnamed! Expecting to find the branch name in it' } return branch == 'stable' ? env.STABLE_BRANCH : branch } String getDockerImageVersion(imageVersions, branch) { Matcher matcher = branch =~ '^(\\d+.\\d+\\..*)$' matcher ? imageVersions["${matcher[0][1]}"] : imageVersions[branch] } String getBranchType(branch) { String type switch (branch) { case env.STABLE_BRANCH: type = 'Stable' break case 'master': type = 'Master' break default: type = branch break } return type }