#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail # # NOTE: this is *not* a good example for integrating these tests into your own repository! # If you want that, check out https://github.com/docker-library/golang/blob/3f2c52653043f067156ce4f41182c2a758c4c857/.github/workflows/ci.yml instead. # [ -d "$BASHBREW_SCRIPTS/github-actions" ] if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then git fetch --quiet https://github.com/docker-library/official-images.git master changes="$(git diff --no-renames --name-only --diff-filter='d' FETCH_HEAD...HEAD -- library/)" repos="$(xargs -rn1 basename <<<"$changes")" set -- $repos fi strategy='{}' for repo; do newStrategy="$(GITHUB_REPOSITORY="$repo" GENERATE_STACKBREW_LIBRARY='cat "library/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY"' "$BASHBREW_SCRIPTS/github-actions/generate.sh")" newStrategy="$(jq -c --arg repo "$repo" '.matrix.include = [ .matrix.include[] | ([ .meta.entries[].tags[0] ]) as $tags | .name = ($tags | join(", ")) # replace "build" steps with something that uses "bashbrew" instead of "docker build" # https://github.com/docker-library/bashbrew/blob/20b5a50a4eafee1e92fadca5f9cbbce6b16d80b1/scripts/github-actions/generate.sh#L79-L105 | .runs.build = ( (if .os | startswith("windows-") then "export BASHBREW_ARCH=windows-amd64 BASHBREW_CONSTRAINTS=" + ([ .meta.entries[].constraints[] ] | join(", ") | @sh) + "\n" else "" end) + "export BASHBREW_LIBRARY=\"$PWD/library\"\n" + ([ $tags[] | "bashbrew build " + @sh ] | join("\n")) ) # use our local clone of official-images for running tests (so test changes can be tested too, if they live in the PR with the image change) # https://github.com/docker-library/bashbrew/blob/a40a54d4d81b9fd2e39b4d7ba3fe203e8b022a67/scripts/github-actions/generate.sh#L95 | .runs.test |= gsub("[^\n\t ]+/run[.]sh "; "./test/run.sh ") ]' <<<"$newStrategy")" jq -c . <<<"$newStrategy" > /dev/null # sanity check strategy="$(jq -c ' # https://stackoverflow.com/a/53666584/433558 def meld(a; b): if (a | type) == "object" and (b | type) == "object" then # for some reason, "a" and "b" go out of scope for reduce?? a as $a | b as $b | reduce (a + b | keys_unsorted[]) as $k ({}; .[$k] = meld($a[$k]; $b[$k])) elif (a | type) == "array" and (b | type) == "array" then a + b elif b == null then a else b end; meld(.[0]; .[1]) ' <<<"[$strategy,$newStrategy]")" done jq -c . <<<"$strategy" > /dev/null # sanity check if [ -t 1 ]; then jq <<<"$strategy" else cat <<<"$strategy" fi