(require hyrule [-> comment]) (-> (+ 2 2) (print)) (import os subprocess sys) (subprocess.check_call [sys.executable "-m" "pip" "install" "-q" "sh==1.14.2"] :stdout sys.stderr :env (dict os.environ :PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK "1" :PIP_NO_PYTHON_VERSION_WARNING "1" :PIP_ROOT_USER_ACTION "ignore")) (comment PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK: ensure pip does not complain about a new version being available) (comment PIP_NO_PYTHON_VERSION_WARNING: or that a new version will no longer work with this python version) (comment PIP_ROOT_USER_ACTION: ensure pip does not complain about running about root) (import platform) (comment Windows is not supported by sh (sad day)) (comment https://github.com/amoffat/sh/blob/608f4c3bf5ad75ad40035d03a9c5ffcce0898f07/sh.py#L33-L36) (if (= (.system platform) "Windows") (defn echo [dashn num] (return num)) (import sh [echo])) (-> (+ (int (echo "-n" 21)) (int (echo "-n" 21))) (print))