import java.util.regex.Matcher /** * Pipeline to generate and to publish the documentation of a new version of Silverpeas. This * pipeline should be triggered once the release of Silverpeas has been successfully performed as it * will fetch the release report for additional required information. * * This pipeline requires the following job 'Silverpeas Project Web Site Publisher' to run the * corresponding pipeline in order to publish the Silverpeas community web site. * * This pipeline requires the following parameters: * SILVERPEAS_VERSION the version of Silverpeas for which the documentation has to be generated * and published. * * The build is performed within a dedicated Docker image in order to ensure the reproducibility of * the builds and to containerize them from the host OS. */ String imageVersion = getDockerImageVersion() def projects = [ core : 'Silverpeas-Core', components : 'Silverpeas-Components'] pipeline { agent { docker { image "silverpeas/silverbuild:${imageVersion}" args ''' -v $HOME/.m2/settings.xml:/home/silverbuild/.m2/settings.xml -v $HOME/.m2/settings-security.xml:/home/silverbuild/.m2/settings-security.xml -v $HOME/.gitconfig:/home/silverbuild/.gitconfig -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/silverbuild/.ssh -v $HOME/.gnupg:/home/silverbuild/.gnupg ''' } } parameters { string ( description: 'the version of Silverpeas for which the documentation will be generated', name: 'SILVERPEAS_VERSION' ) } environment { gitBaseRepo = '' gitCredential = 'cacc0467-7c85-41d1-bf4e-eaa470dd5e59' mavenRepo = '' releaseBranch = '' } stages { stage('Check version of Silverpeas') { when { expression { !isStableVersion() } } steps { error("Documentation is published only for a stable version. Version here is: ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}") } } stage('Prepare the publishing') { steps { copyArtifacts projectName: "Silverpeas_Release", flatten: true, selector: specific(params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION) script { def report = readYaml file: 'release.yaml' releaseBranch = report.branch } sh 'rm -f release.yaml' } } stage('Publish documentation of Silverpeas Core') { when { expression { releaseBranch == 'master' } } steps { dir(projects.core) { git credentialsId: gitCredential, url: (gitBaseRepo + projects.core) sh """ git checkout ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} mvn site-deploy -Pdeployment -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true """ } } } stage('Publish documentation of Silverpeas Components') { when { expression { releaseBranch == 'master' } } steps { dir(projects.components) { git credentialsId: gitCredential, url: (gitBaseRepo + projects.components) sh """ git checkout ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} mvn site-deploy -Pdeployment -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true """ } } } stage('Publish Silverpeas Community Web Site') { steps { build job: 'Silverpeas Project Web Site Publisher', parameters: [ string(name: 'SILVERPEAS_VERSION', value: params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION), ], wait: true } } } post { success { script { currentBuild.displayName = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION } } always { step([$class : 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients : ",,,,", sendToIndividuals : true]) } } } String getBranch() { Matcher matcher = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION =~ '^(\\d+.\\d+)\\..*$' matcher ? "${matcher[0][1]}.x" : 'master' } boolean isStableVersion() { Matcher m = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION =~ '^\\d+.\\d+(.\\d+)?$' return m.matches() } String getDockerImageVersion() { Matcher matcher = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION =~ '^(\\d+.\\d+)\\..*$' matcher ? "${matcher[0][1]}" : 'latest' }