import java.util.regex.Matcher /** * Pipeline to publish the web site of the open-source community of Silverpeas. It doesn't publish * the documentation of each project on which Silverpeas is made up. Those documentations are * published only at release of each latest stable version of Silverpeas. * * This pipeline expects the following environment variable to be set: * STABLE_BRANCH the SCM branch in which the current stable version of the project is currently * maintained * * This pipeline is based upon the existence of a Jenkins job named * 'Silverpeas_Project_Definition_AutoDeploy' that has produced a build version of the Silverpeas * Project POM used as POM parent for all Silverpeas projects in development. It will fetch from it * the job result report in order to compute some parameters required by this pipeline and to check * if the POM parent of the community web site project have to be updated. * * The build is performed within a dedicated Docker image in order to ensure the reproducibility of * the builds and to containerize them from the host OS. */ pipeline { agent { docker { image 'silverpeas/silverbuild' args ''' -v $HOME/.m2/settings.xml:/home/silverbuild/.m2/settings.xml -v $HOME/.m2/settings-security.xml:/home/silverbuild/.m2/settings-security.xml -v $HOME/.gitconfig:/home/silverbuild/.gitconfig -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/silverbuild/.ssh -v $HOME/.gnupg:/home/silverbuild/.gnupg ''' } } parameters { string ( defaultValue: '', description: 'Version of Silvereas with which the web site info has to be updated. By default, an empty value means no update', name: 'SILVERPEAS_VERSION' ) } environment { nexusRepo = '' gitRepo = '' gitCredential = 'cacc0467-7c85-41d1-bf4e-eaa470dd5e59' branch = getBranch() parentVersion = '' currentWildflyVersion = '' nextWildflyVersion = '' pom = null } stages { stage('Check Silverpeas version') { when { not { expression { params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION == '' || (params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION.contains('-build') && branch == 'master') || (isStableVersion() && (branch == 'master' || branch == env.STABLE_BRANCH)) } } } steps { error "Community web site cannot be generated for such version: ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}" } } stage('Checkout') { steps { git([url: gitRepo, credentialsId: gitCredential]) script { pom = readMavenPom() parentVersion = '' currentWildflyVersion = '' nextWildflyVersion = '' } } } stage('Check POM parent version') { when { expression { pom.parent.version.contains('SNAPSHOT') } } steps { error "The parent POM must be at a stable or a build version for this project to be deployed. Current version is ${pom.parent.version}" } } stage('Prepare for a new build version of Silverpeas') { when { expression { params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION.contains('-build') && branch == 'master' } } steps { copyArtifacts projectName: 'Silverpeas_Project_Definition_AutoDeploy', flatten: true script { def parentBuild = readYaml file: 'build.yaml' String isReleased = sh returnStatus: true, script: "curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail -r 0-0 ${nexusRepo}/org/silverpeas/silverpeas-project/${parentBuild.release}/silverpeas-project-${parentBuild.release}.pom" parentVersion = isReleased == '0' ? parentBuild.release : parentBuild.version nextWildflyVersion = parentBuild.wildfly.replace('.Final', '') currentWildflyVersion = '' echo "Next Wildfly version: ${nextWildflyVersion}" } sh 'rm -f build.yaml' } } stage('Prepare for a new stable version of Silverpeas') { when { expression { isStableVersion() } } steps { copyArtifacts projectName: "Silverpeas_Release", flatten: true, selector: specific(params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION) script { def report = readYaml file: 'release.yaml' parentVersion = report.parent nextWildflyVersion = '' currentWildflyVersion = report.wildfly.replace('.Final', '') echo "Parent version: ${parentVersion}" echo "Current Wildfly version: ${currentWildflyVersion}" } sh 'rm -f release.yaml' } } stage('Update POM parent version') { when { expression { parentVersion && pom.parent.version < parentVersion } } steps { script { sh """ mvn -U versions:update-parent -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DparentVersion="[$parentVersion]" git commit -am "Update parent POM to version $parentVersion" """ } } } stage('Update current version of Wildfly') { when { expression { currentWildflyVersion && currentWildflyVersion !=['current_wildfly_version'] } } steps { sh """ sed -i -e "s/[0-9]\\+/${currentWildflyVersion.split('\\.')[0]}/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/[0-9.]\\+/${currentWildflyVersion}/g" pom.xml git commit -am "Update current Wildfly version to ${currentWildflyVersion}" """ } } stage('Update next version of Wildfly') { when { expression { nextWildflyVersion && nextWildflyVersion !=['next_wildfly_version'] } } steps { sh """ sed -i -e "s/[0-9]\\+/${nextWildflyVersion.split('\\.')[0]}/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/[0-9.]\\+/${nextWildflyVersion}/g" pom.xml git commit -am "Update next Wildfly version to ${nextWildflyVersion}" """ } } stage('Update build version of Silverpeas') { when { expression { params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION && params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION.contains('-build') && params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION !=['installer_build_version'] } } steps { sh """ sed -i -e "s/[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\\+/${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}/g" pom.xml git commit -am "Update the build version of Silverpeas to ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}" """ } } stage('Update stable version of Silverpeas') { when { expression { params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION && isStableVersion() && params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION !=['installer_stable_version'] } } steps { sh """ sed -i -e "s/[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\\+/${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}/g" pom.xml sed -i -e "s/[0-9a-zA-Z.-]\\+/${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}/g" pom.xml mvn -U versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION} sed -i -e "s/silverpeas-[0-9.]\\+-wildfly[0-9]\\+/silverpeas-${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}-wildfly${currentWildflyVersion.split('\\.')[0]}/g" src/site/resources/index.html git commit -am "Update the stable version of Silverpeas to ${params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION}" """ } } stage('Publish the web site') { steps { sh 'mvn clean site-deploy' } } stage('Push the changes into the SCM') { environment { GIT_AUTH = credentials("${gitCredential}") } steps { sh script: ''' git config --local credential.helper "!f() { echo username=\\$GIT_AUTH_USR; echo password=\\$GIT_AUTH_PSW; }; f" git push origin HEAD:master ''', returnStatus: true } } } post { success { script { if (params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION) { currentBuild.displayName = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION } } } always { step([$class : 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients : ",", sendToIndividuals : true]) } } } boolean isStableVersion() { Matcher m = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION =~ '^\\d+.\\d+(.\\d+)?$' return m.matches() } String getBranch() { Matcher matcher = params.SILVERPEAS_VERSION =~ '^(\\d+.\\d+)\\..*$' matcher ? "${matcher[0][1]}.x" : 'master' }